唐 王湾 《次北固山下》
2023-07-17 /整首诗描绘了一幅美丽的江水景色图,表现了诗人对家乡的深深思念。同时,借用风、水、日、春等自然景象,以及乡书、归雁等物象,表达出诗人的丰富情感。
我的家书不知道应该寄到何处?远飞的大雁,请带信到洛阳那边。Image by JASON MAI from Pixabay
北固山位于江苏镇江,由于北临长江,形势险固,故名北固。 此诗是诗人的船暂时停泊在北固山时所作。
2023-04-03 /Image by Sharon Ang from Pixabay
晏几道(1038年5月29日—1110年),著名词人。北宋宰相晏殊第七子,字叔原,号小山, 北宋抚州府临川城人(今江西省南昌市进贤县文港镇沙河人) 。与其父晏殊合称二晏。他的词风似父而造诣过之。晏几道的词《临江仙·梦后楼台高锁》是一首非常著名的词,词语精练、意境深远,被誉为中国古典文学史上的经典之作。这首词描写了词人心情悲怆,回忆往事的情景。临江仙:双调小令,唐教坊曲名,后用为词牌。《 临江仙》
这里“梦后楼台高锁,酒醒帘幕低垂”是指词人在梦后酒醒,朱门紧锁,楼台高耸,意境唯美,却发现自己正处在帘幕之中,情绪低落。 “去年春恨却来时”是词人回忆往事时的心情抒发。接着,词人描写了“落花人独立,微雨燕双飞”的情景,看到微雨中燕子双双飞翔,反衬现在词人在落花时节一人独立凸显了他孤独、落寞的心境,表达了他对逝去的春天和往事的怀念留恋之情。
“记得小苹初见,两重心字罗衣”是 词人怀念歌女小苹初见时的情景。罗衣是轻软丝织品制成的衣服。三国 魏 曹植 《美女篇》:“罗衣何飘飘,轻裾随风还”。“两重心字”代表心心相印,象征着词人内心深处对小苹的情感。“琵琶弦上说相思”则是描述在曼妙的琵琶声中,小苹感受到了词人对她的爱意,同时也表达了小苹对词人的相思之情。“当时明月在,曾照彩云归”则是描绘了他们初见时的情景。当时月亮高悬于空,照耀他们初次相识,也照耀过化作彩云而去的小苹。李白《宫中行乐词》中的“只愁歌舞散,化作彩云飞” 显然为此词结句所本, 广博的词人创作时的联想,错杂融会前人意境,成为此不朽新篇。
18. 以祖训定论「不求金玉贵,但愿子孙贤」
2022-12-0916. China National Petroleum Corp. 1946.8-1949.5
2022-12-096. From Singapore to Yangon, Myanmar
2022-12-01 -
《时间的秩序》(The Order of Time)
2023-03-04 /我们通常认为时间是客观存在的的实体,作用於万物,而且一定是从过去到未来。我们只能活在当下,回忆过去,和憧憬未来。人们会震惊如果知道时间并不存在。
《时间的秩序》(The Order of Time)是意大利理论物理学家卡洛·罗韦利(Carlo Rovelli)于2017年出版的一本科学哲学著作。这本书主要讲述了时间的本质和其在物理学、哲学、文学和日常生活中的不同表现。
Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay
2023-01-28 /聊天格
3天前我写了一篇博文, “给ChatGPT起个朗朗上口和意义一流中文名字” 今天想亲自问一下ChatGPT, 不知是否喜欢“聊天格”这个名字, 下面是我们的对话:
我: 你有中文名字吗?
我: 我给你起个中文名字,不知你是否喜欢?
我: “聊天格” 不但朗朗上口,意义也是一流。 “格” 物致知的意思是 to pursue the principles of things and summarize them as rational knowledge。“格” 也可译文Grid,an infinite network of lines that cross each other to form a series of squares。这代表“聊天格”广博的知识,训练有素,和有序的架构。
对话结束。ChatGPT 使我感到十分亲切和谦虚诚恳,就像与一位老朋友在聊天。 我希望“聊天格”成为ChatGPT的中文名字。
Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
2023-01-26 /如果你使用Google翻译”ChatGPT“,得到的译文是“聊天GPT”。这个名字既不是中文也不是英文,我们应该给 ChatGPT 取个响亮的中文名字。
ChatGPT 的全称是Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer。Chat是聊天,我们取Generative的前二个字母Ge作为汉语拼音, 就得到三个常用汉字,“歌”,“哥”,和 ”格“。“聊天歌” 不好, 人们会以为是首歌。“聊天哥” 也不好,太俗气。最后一个非常棒。
“聊天格” 不但朗朗上口,意义也是一流。 格物致知的意思是to pursue the principles of things and summarize them as rational knowledge。格也可译文Grid,an infinite network of lines that cross each other to form a series of squares。这代表“聊天格”广博的知识,训练有素,和有序的架构。
Created on 2023.1.25 and revised on 2023.1.30
Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
当前最火爆的OpenAI ChatGPT 聊天机器人
2023-01-23《时间的秩序》(The Order of Time)
2023-01-28 -
2023-01-23 /特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)曾经说过:“如果你想了解宇宙的奥秘,那么想象一下一切都是光。” 这句话的意思是,光是一种非常重要的力量,它是宇宙中最基本的元素之一,它也是一种可以解释和探索宇宙奥秘的工具。
《时间的秩序》(The Order of Time)
2023-01-26当前最火爆的OpenAI ChatGPT 聊天机器人
2023-01-23 -
18. May the Future Generations be Virtuous
2022-12-10 /The era I live in has gone through the Second World War in the early stage, and civil wars are frequent. It can be compared to thunder, lightning, and storms, but my personal situation can be compared to an indoor swimming pool. A pool of clear water, the water is calm, Basically, I lived smoothly and safely until I was seventy years old.
I personally rely on my father to teach Nanyang Middle School, so that I can study for free until I graduate from high school, and I have the conditions to enter the society to work, otherwise I may work in the countryside for the rest of my life. After relying on Brother Kai to support me and take me to Hong Kong resolutely, this is a turning point. I have been able to work in Hong Kong, Singapore, Myanmar, Chongqing, India, Shanghai and other places so far. I have retired honorably and spent my old age peacefully. These two key points are always in my mind.
In our hometown, my grandfather and father passed away when they were only fifty years old, which is too early. My grandmother lived at sixty-nine, my mother at eighty, and my aunt at seventy-six, but none of them enjoyed the support of their children and grandchildren, I have pity. Our five sisters and brothers, elder brother-in-law, second brother-in-law, sister-in-law Fang, and Zhongxian, except for the second brother-in-law who died of illness at the age of forty, it is a pity that the eldest brother-in-law died of an incurable disease in his sixties, and the eldest sister Nearly 80 years old and died of illness, the remaining five of us can expect to be 80, 90 or even 100 years old, which is unknown.
Brothers, sisters-in-law and nephews went overseas and suffered hardships, so I can imagine that the situation has improved since then, which is very gratifying. All my nephews have made progress in studies, and each of them has obtained a doctorate or a master’s degree. They are often praised in my hometown and are the pride of my family. The student surpasses the master, which is a comfort to the ancestors. There are five generations from the generation of great-grandparents. It can be said that the parents are loving, the children are filial, the sisters, brothers and sisters-in-law are harmonious.
Zhongxian and I have only two sons, and they are very talented, especially ten times better than me in mathematics. The eldest son was eager to learn since he was a child, and he didn’t want to waste time. He read widely when he had time, was able to work hard, and studied by himself at ordinary times. He did not waste his good time. He returned to Shanghai in the winter of 1978 to get married in Xinghualou Hotel, Fuzhou Road, Shanghai. In 1979, he was qualified to go to the United States for an internship. In the spring of 1980, he went to the United States for more than a year. In the early summer of 1981, he returned to China. After returning to China, he and his wife had a daughter in 1982, who is now three years old.
The younger son got married on March 11, 1982, at Xinya Hotel, Nanjing Road, Shanghai. In the spring of 1983, he and his wife had a daughter, who is now two years old. He was good at studies, outstanding in mathematics, and have a strong will to go abroad for further study. After his own conditions were met, he was lucky enough to be sponsored by brother Kai, the second nephew, and was able to go abroad to study in the United States on May 28, 1983. He has passed both TOEFL and GRE tests, and got higher scores, ready for graduate studies, and we are very happy in our hearts. I hope that the younger son will have gratitude. It is not easy to get this opportunity. Without the support of brother Kai and the guarantee of the second nephew, how could he go abroad for further study. Further solid study and hard work, in order to learn something, strive for development, and repay the kindness of cultivation.
I am extremely satisfied with my life. Although I am not very smart and have not made any achievements and contributions to my family and country, I can only hope that future generations will surpass their ancestors and win glory for my Zhuang family. Once I ride a crane back to the west (pass away), I will surely smile at Jiuquan (the underworld), I can already make this conclusion first.
Zhuang Handing,April 20, 1984
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18. 以祖訓定論「不求金玉貴,但願子孫賢」(繁体)
2022-12-10 /我所處的時代,前期歷經二次世界大戰,國內戰亂頻呈,可以比作雷聲隆隆,電光閃閃、狂風暴雨,但我個人處境,倒可比作室內游泳池,一池清水,水波不興,基本上順利平安活到古稀之年。
我與中賢僅生兩兒,天資尚高,尤以數學智力勝我十倍。大兒自小好學,不肯浪費時間,有空就博覽群書,能克苦工作,平時自學,未虛渡大好光陰,1978年冬回滬結婚,喜筵設在上海福州路杏花樓。於七九年考取赴美國實習的資格,1980年春赴美國,實習年餘,1981年夏初回國, 發揮所長,學以致用,多次受到登報表揚。回國後於1982年得一女,現已三歲。
莊漢定 1984年4月20日
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18. 以祖训定论「不求金玉贵,但愿子孙贤」
2022-12-09 /我所处的时代,前期历经二次世界大战,国内战乱频呈,可以比作雷声隆隆,电光闪闪、狂风暴雨,但我个人处境,倒可比作室内游泳池,一池清水,水波不兴,基本上顺利平安活到古稀之年。
我与中贤仅生两儿,天资尚高,尤以数学智力胜我十倍。大儿自小好学,不肯浪费时间,有空就博览群书,能克苦工作,平时自学,未虚渡大好光阴,1978年冬回沪结婚,喜筵设在上海福州路杏花楼。于七九年考取赴美国实习的资格,1980年春赴美国,实习年余,1981年夏初回国, 发挥所长,学以致用,多次受到登报表扬。1982年得一女,现已三岁。
庄汉定 1984年4月20日
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4. 香港一载 (1937年10月至1938年10月)
2022-11-2917. Second Half of Life
2022-12-0912. 卡拉其 1943年10月至1944年5月(繁体)
2022-12-07 -
17. Second Half of Life
2022-12-09 /In June 1949, brother Chang returned home. Zhongxian and I brought our two children back to our hometown for a week in October. My mother came to live in Shanghai in the spring of 1950, and brother Chang and aunt were still in Maoyan. After that, brother Chang came to Shanghai for half a year in 1954, and my aunt was home alone. After brother Chang returned home in Maoyan, we once invited aunt, eldest sister, and second sister to come to Shanghai to visit my mother and to tour Shanghai. We went to the amusement park with them and stayed for a week before returning. Brother Chang and the second sister came to Shanghai for the second son’s wedding in 1982. They also participated in a two-day tour to Hangzhou organized by a tourist agency. They took a soft-seat touring bus to and from. Although the two days were short, They visited almost all major attractions due to the touring bus.
In 1952, I transferred from the China National Petroleum Corporation to the East China Ministry of Industry, and took up the role of transportation. When I was in the East China Ministry of Industry, there was a wage reform. In about 1954, I was rated 19th grade according to my work, and the monthly salary was adjusted to 72 yuan. My original salary in China National Petroleum Corporation was more than 180 yuan. The difference was very large. Living became immediately difficult. The organization took care of the monthly subsidy of 25 yuan. At that time, there were six people in Shanghai, including my mother, mother-in-law, Zhongxian, two children, and me, and two rural people my aunt and brother Chang, totaling eight people. In order to send the living expenses in the countryside according to the original standard, we must balance the income and expenditure of the living expenses at home in Shanghai. All parties had to save money. I used to go to my work unit (at that time near Longhua South Middle School) for a one-way trip of about nine kilometers. It took about three hours to go back and forth. I walked and brought lunch every day. This saved a monthly bus ticket of 6 yuan (public subsidy) and a total of 10-12 yuan including the lunch money, it lasted for more than a year. In this difficult situation, the only way out was to let Zhongxian work.
It just so happened that Shanghai started to recruit middle school teachers, limited to university education level, and 800 candidates out of 4,000 applicants were selected. Zhong Xian was lucky enough to be admitted. After half a year of training, she served as a mathematics teacher for one year, and then she was changed to a mechanical drawing teacher. Because of her serious and responsible work, she gradually upgraded her salary to 74 yuan. My salary had also been upgraded and adjusted to 92 yuan. In this way, difficult times had been overcome and the original subsidy of 25 yuan was cancelled due to the upgrade. The salaries of the both of us were kept until retirement, and now I am 20% off, and Zhongxian’s salary is 30% off because of less working experience.
As my mother was getting older, her health gradually became weak, and she was inconvenient to move up and down the stairs. We worked during the day, the children were small, and the mother-in-law was not in good health, so we sent my mother to live in the eldest sister’s house in Changzhou for a while, and then my mother went to the countryside with my aunt and brother Chang in 1958. However, due to natural disasters, everyone was affected regardless of the food in the countryside of Shanghai. Fortunately, they survived safely.
On January 29, 1962, Wang Chunyuan suddenly sent a remittance of 140 Hong Kong dollar equal to 59.99 yuan to me on brother Kai’s behalf from Hong Kong. On February 1st, I purchased tremella juice, fish, meat, oil, cake, sugar, medicine, thermos and other things from the overseas Chinese store voucher for more than 30 yuan, and brought the remaining balance back to the countryside on the Lunar New Year. Let mother and My younger brother Chang eat them, and my aunt was vegetarian, so we bought her some biscuits. Due to three years of natural disasters, it was generally impossible to purchase these items. This time it was extraordinary to obtain these items with the Overseas Remittance Certificate. Everyone was very happy with this unexpected assistance. However, there were restrictions on the amount of the Overseas Remittance Certificate purchases, so it was impossible to buy all of them. Otherwise, all the money would go shopping. After that, remittances continued, and some food also came, and I did the same.
Because of this assistance, Zhongxian and I asked my mother to come to Shanghai again to improve her lives. In early April, brother Chang accompanied my mother to my eldest sister’s home in Changzhou. My aunt was still looking after my mother’s house in the countryside. Unexpectedly, my mother caught a cold on the way and fell ill after arriving at the eldest sister’s house Because my mother took a small boat to Banshang that day, she planned to take advantage of the commute ship’s arrival in the city, but the commute ship stopped sailing on the day. She had to stay two days at the fifth aunt’s house in Banshang. When I returned to visit my mother, I planned to have her treated in Changzhou first, and then came to Shanghai after a while. Within one or two days, her condition deteriorated, the treatment was ineffective, and mother passed away at elder sister’s home. At that time, the coffin made in 1948 could still be used, hired a boat to transport it back to Maoyan, and buried in a district on the north side of Maoqingqiao Fivemu (grandmother was buried there). My mother and father’s coffins were buried together. Unexpectedly, my aunt died of illness in her own home in Beihou Street, Changzhou in December of the same year. The coffin that we pre-made at the same time in 1948 was transported to Changzhou and buried in Ximenwai Public Cemetery. After the ten years of turmoil, the tombs in both urban and rural areas were all gone.
At that time, after three years of natural disasters, the situation was getting better year by year, especially with the help of my brother Kai, the life of the two elders could be improved. Unfortunately, this happened and the death of the two elders in the same year was the most sad and regrettable thing for us. The so-called “A child desires to take care of his parents, but they have passed away” had been experienced, but there was nothing that we could do.
In 1978, Brother kai made the first remittance after the ten years of turmoil through Wang Chunyuan. Afterwards, the second nephew remitted many times successively, and it has benefited the whole family and benefited a lot. In particular, brother Chang’s life has been greatly improved. He has taken off his hat in accordance with the policy, restored civil rights, spiritually liberated, and relaxed both physically and mentally. The year before last, I could rebuild the old house by remittance from Brother Kai. The living conditions were improved. I visited Beijing again, feasted my eyes and increased my knowledge. I will spend my remaining years in comfort.
I worked in Shanghai, and I encountered transfers several times. Some transferred to Beijing, sometimes transferred to the northeast, sometimes transferred to the northwest, and sometimes returned to the hometown for production. However, I was not transferred at all and my family lived in Shanghai for 30 years. It was a great blessing to save the trouble of moving and take care of the countryside nearby. I said it was not fate or luck, I got along well with other people, also was familiar with business, and had some working ability, so the direct leader felt that I was a little useful and made me stay. However, after being in my fifties, I participated in labor until retirement, and failed to give full play to my strengths for doing more work. It was a pity. Therefore, I was a little bit discouraged. As soon as I reached the retirement age of 60 years old, I immediately requested retirement. In November 1976, I formally retired and went home, idle and free, playing Go and fishing, and often returning home in countryside. It can be said to be a fairy life. Of course, this is due to the policy of getting rid of chaos and the help of my brother in the economy.
Playing Go, image by Jonathan Reichel from Pixabay
Often returning home in countryside, image by Michael Bußmann from PixabayFishing, image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay
Due to business trips, I visited Beijing twice in the 1950s, Qingdao and Jinan, and Beijing in the summer of 1981. I have been in Shanghai for the rest of time. Compared with the tens of thousands of miles by visiting many countries in the first half of a lifetime, it can be said to be static. Now I want to travel to the southwestern provinces with brother Chang, and revisit Chongqing, Kunming and other old places. Due to physical strength, it looks to me that it will be difficult to do so.
In the past few decades, it is right to say that nothing has changed. Work and home have not changed in the old place in Shanghai, and brother Chang has always been in the countryside. It’s also right to say that there are many changes. The political movements take part almost every time, especially the last one, brother Chang is similar. But now that the clouds and mist have been removed to see the blue sky, it has really improved. However, aging has come, and the physical strength is not as good as before. This is also an inevitable law, not surprising.
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4. A Year in Hong Kong 1937.10-1938.10
2022-11-2915. 闊別了八年的上海,終於又回來了(繁体)
2022-12-0814. 抗战胜利回重庆
2022-12-08 -
17. 下半生(繁体)
2022-12-09 /1949年6月,昌弟返鄉。我和中賢帶二孩也曾於十月份回老家住了一週。母親於五零年春來滬居住,昌弟及姑母仍在茅堰。此後昌弟於五十四年曾來滬居住過半年,姑母一人在家。昌弟返家後,曾請姑母、大姊、二姊連袂來滬看望母親並一遊上海,曾同她們到遊樂場一遊,住了一週始返。昌弟與二姊又於1982年春小儿結婚時來滬吃喜酒及重遊,並同參加旅遊社組織的杭州二日遊,坐軟座大客車往返,二日雖短,但由於汽車,各大名勝都差不多遊到了。
1952年,我調出中國石油公司進華東工業部,仍任運輸工作。在華東工業部時,逢工資改革。約在五四年,照我工作定級19級,月工資72元興原工資180餘元 (照舊中石公司原薪折合而來) 相差很大,生活頓有困難,組織上照顧每月補貼25元。當時在滬有母親、岳母、中賢、二小孩及我共六人,鄉下姑母昌弟二人,共八人。為了鄉下生活費照寄及上海家中生活費收支必須平衡,只好各方而節省。我曾經家中到工作單位 (當時在龍華南中附近) 單程約九公里每天來回約須三小時,採取步行,並帶中飯,這樣可節省公車月票六元(公家補貼)和飯費共約十一二元,有年餘時間。在此艱難情況下,唯一辦法,就是中賢能參加工作。正好上海市招考中學教師,限大學程度,在四千名報考者中挑選八百名,中賢幸得錄取,培訓半年後擔任數學教師一年,後改任機械製圖教師。因工作認真負責,逐步升級加薪到74元。我的工資也因升級及調整為92元。這樣一來,困難時期得以渡過 (原補貼25元因升級等而取消)。二人工資直保持到退休,現我為八折,中賢為七折 (因工齡較少)。
因為有此接濟,我和中賢請母親再來滬居住,改善生活。四月初昌弟伴送母親到常州大姊家中。姑母仍在鄉下家中看家。不料母親途中受寒,到大姊家後即病倒 (因當天坐小船到坂上,擬改趁輪船至城不料那天輪船停航,借住坂上五姑母家二日,天氣較冷,又出乎意外。 ) 無法上車。我回常探望,商好先在城醫治,等稍好再來滬。一二日內病情反變差,醫治無效,病逝大姊家中。當時仍可用1948年預做的壽棺入殮,僱船運回茅堰,安葬在茅慶橋 (祖母葬在五畝裡) 五畝裡北側一區田中與父親棺合葬。不料姑母也在同年十二月病逝常州北後街她自己家中,我們即將1948年同時預做的壽棺由鄉運城贈給盛殮安葬在西門外公墓。經十年動亂後,城鄉各墓棺均已無存了。
下棋 Image by Jonathan Reichel from Pixabay
常回家鄉 Image by Michael Bußmann from Pixabay釣魚 Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay
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15. Finally Returned to Shanghai After Eight Years
2022-12-0814. Victory in the War
2022-12-0815. 闊別了八年的上海,終於又回來了(繁体)
2022-12-08 -
17. 下半生
2022-12-09 /1949 年 6 月,昌弟返乡。我和中贤带二孩也曾于十月份回老家住了一周。母亲于五零年春来沪居住,昌弟及姑母仍在茅堰。此后昌弟于五十四年曾来沪居住过半年,姑母一人在家。昌弟返家后,曾请姑母、大姊,二姊连袂来沪看望母亲并一游上海,曾同她们到游乐场一游,住了一周始返。昌弟与二姊又于 1982 年春我小儿子结婚时来沪吃喜酒及重游,并同参加旅游社组织的杭州二日游,坐软座大客车往返,二日虽短,但由于汽车,各大名胜都差不多游到了。
1952年,我调出中国石油公司进华东工业部,仍任运输工作。在华东工业部时,逢工资改革。约在五四年,照我工作定级19级,月工资72元兴原工资180余元 (照旧中石公司原薪折合而来) 相差很大,生活顿有困难,组织上照顾每月补贴25元。当时在沪有母亲、岳母、中贤、二小孩及我共六人,乡下姑母昌弟二人,共八人。为了乡下生活费照寄及上海家中生活费收支必须平衡,只好各方而节省。我曾经家中到工作单位 (当时在龙华南中附近) 单程约九公里每天来回约须三小时,采取步行,并带中饭,这样可节省公车月票六元(公家补贴) 和饭费共约十一二元,有年余时间。在此艰难情况下,唯一办法,就是中贤能参加工作。正好上海市招考中学教师,限大学程度,在四千名报考者中挑选八百名,中贤幸得录取,培训半年后担任数学教师一年,后改任机械制图教师。因工作认真负责,逐步升级加薪到74元。我的工资也因升级及调整为92元。这样一来,困难时期得以渡过 (原补贴25元因升级等而取消)。二人工资直保持到退休,现我为八折,中贤为七折 (因工龄较少)。
因为有此接济,我和中贤请母亲再来沪居住,改善生活。四月初昌弟伴送母亲到常州大姊家中。姑母仍在乡下家中看家。不料母亲途中受寒,到大姊家后即病倒 (因当天坐小船到坂上,拟改趁轮船至城不料那天轮船停航,借住坂上五姑母家二日,天气较冷,又出乎意外。 ) 无法上车。我回常探望,商好先在城医治,等稍好再来沪。一二日内病情反变差,医治无效,病逝大姊家中。当时仍可用1948年预做的寿棺入殓,雇船运回茅堰,安葬在茅庆桥 (祖母葬在五亩里)五亩里北侧一区田中与父亲棺合葬。不料姑母也在同年十二月病逝常州北后街她自己家中,我们即将1948年同时预做的寿棺由乡运城赠给盛殓安葬在西门外公墓。经十年动乱后,城乡各墓棺均已无存了。
我在上海工作,有好几次遇到调动,有的调北京,有时调东北,有时调西北,有时还乡生产,但历次都未调到我,使我一家在上海住了三十余年,免去搬家之烦,又可就近照料乡下,实属大幸。究命乎运乎,我说非命非运,而是我与人相处融洽,对业务比较熟悉,也有些工作能力,所以直接领导觉得我有点用处而留下来了。但在五十多岁后,参加劳动直至退休,未能发挥自己所长,多做些工作,实为憾事。因此自己也有点灰心,一到满六十足岁退休年龄,就立刻请求退休。 1976年11月正式退休回家,闲散自由,下棋钓鱼,常回家乡,真可说是神仙生活了,这当然是拨乱反正政策及经济上有开哥的帮助所赐。
下棋 Image by Jonathan Reichel from Pixabay
常回家乡 Image by Michael Bußmann from Pixabay钓鱼 Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay
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7. Longest Working Time in Yangon, Myanmar
2022-12-0213. 加爾各答 1944年5月-1945年8月(繁体)
2022-12-0813. 加尔各答 1944年5月-1945年8月
2022-12-07 -
16. China National Petroleum Corp. 1946.8-1949.5
2022-12-09 /China National Petroleum Corporation was established by the reorganization of the Gansu Oil and Mine Bureau of the Resources Commission. Most of the personnel came from the Gansu Oil and Mine Bureau in Chongqing. Only You Yinzhao, Cao Zue and me were transferred from the foreign material group. Soon You Yinzhao resigned and went to work for Chen Changtong in the foreign exchange management office of Bank of China.
My first son was born in Hongren Hospital located on Beijing Road on July 18th of the lunar calendar, 1946, and at that time, we lived in the dormitory of the Ministry of Economic Affairs on Yuyuan Road. Sister-in-law Fang gave birth to her youngest son about half a month earlier. I remembered that a feast celebrating the first month of a newborn baby the youngest son was held in the newly built Fenyang Road residence in Xi’s house. Soon my first son was one month old, and the Western food party was at the Hollywood Ballroom on the left side of my dormitory on Yuyuan Road. Liu Zhiguo enthusiastically helped us to organize the party, and everything was arranged by him. Liu Zhiguo followed the “Five sons passing the imperial examination” story, divided the table into five long strips, and placed a large plate of red eggs on each strip. There were five main seats: brother Kai, sister-in-law Fang, I, Zhongxian, and brother Chang. There were more than 100 guests, including relatives, friends, classmates and colleagues.
Brother Kai went to Nanjing on June 7, 1946 as the Director of the Materials Department of the Ministry of Transportation. He was highly praised in our hometown, because he was the first person to hold a such high post. Some people persuaded me to also go to the Materials Department and take a position. I had carefully considered this idea and did not adopt this suggestion.
My thoughts at the time and before were: Brother Kai helped me out, and I started coming to Hong Kong from Baishuiqiao to increase my experience. After several years of work experience in Singapore, Myanmar, India, Chongqing and other places, I have the independent ability to do things. I originally had the idea of saving the country by industry, and believed that a country without industry would never be prosperous and independent. The same was true for a person. Without economic strength, it was difficult to start a business, but there were also examples of starting from scratch. We had no foundation in our hometown, but we can only go step by step from small to large. I didn’t want to study, and I had no hope of being an official. Therefore, I didn’t need any qualifications when I tried to start a business. If I wanted to work under my brother again, it was like the possibility of “being bound together for good or ill” in the book “Dream of Red Mansions”. If the work was done well, it was OK, but if it was done badly, it would certainly hurt my brother. As we were brothers, it was inevitable to be talked about appointing a private person, which was detrimental to my brother Kai’s further development.
It now seemed that my thoughts at the time saved me from a disaster. Fu Yuanqing was unemployed and came to Shanghai to consult with me. After I introduced him to brother Kai, he joined the Department of Materials. In the ten years of turmoil, both Fu Yuanqing and Shen Huilin worked in the Materials Department, so they were involved, suffered a lot, and almost died, but I avoided it because I had not worked in the Materials Department.
Since brother Kai became the Director of the Materials Department, the eldest brother-in-law and Uncle Haoran had all been to Nanjing and wanted to apply for jobs. I knew that it was really difficult for my brother Kai. They were relatives, and the fundamental reason was that there was no proper job arrangement for them. Otherwise, if they do have expertise, brother Kai could not avoid relatives. The dissatisfaction in their hearts was really a dilemma.
I have deep sympathy for my relatives, friends, and neighbors in the home village. I felt that the income from farming or teaching was meager, and their life was hard. How could I help with a little bit of my own strength? Relying on job introductions and seeking trivial matters would not help much. So I had always had the idea of starting a business, and I had the strength, that was, in the east of my village, in my land built oil mills, brick and tile factories, etc. Or set up a weaving factory to create employment opportunities for women (there was a small weaving factory in Mahangqiao at that time). The waterway in our village could be directly connected to Changzhou and Qishuyan. The transportation was convenient. Although the distance was relatively long, it had little effect on the cost. All personnel were from villagers, family members and close relatives. If you asked Jingxiang, brother Chang, etc. to serve as directors, Kaijia as the manager, because he had business experience, also was familiar with the rural situation and the people, and had some ability, as long as we mastered it properly, there would be no gaps.
I would ask the eldest brother-in-law to master the accounting, and the second brother-in-law to take charge of the internal affairs. Zhong Qi and others could also be absorbed into the business. Workers could be neighbors, from near to far, starting from the village, in order to manage well and then expand the absorption of people from other villages. In this way, it could be fundamentally solved. The people’s hopes and requirements for us who did things outside were to recommend something to do, or lend some money to use. If it could be done well, it was in line with the trend of social and economic development at that time, and it might be further developed. In addition, I thought that I was able to finish high school for free and jumped out of my hometown. The gifted children in the local village would also be given the opportunity to study, uncle Haoran and others should be given higher treatment to run Maoyan Voluntary Primary School with peace of mind. All students would be subsidized for gradual further studies. But the times were different, just my fantasy.
I work in China National Petroleum Corporation for water transportation. I often contacted customs, shipping companies, and the transportation industry. I was familiar with import and export trade and transportation. At the same time, I had the above reveries, so I wanted to start from the transportation industry and laid the foundation for my own business from small to large step by step. I once did a second transportation report with others, in the second half of 1947 and 1948, but they were all unsuccessful and it was hard to get a wish.
In about September or October 1946, Jingxiang came to Shanghai for a tour and lived at the home of Xiaosheng on Wuchang Road. After I heard about it, I chose a Sunday. At that time, I was still living in the dormitory on Yuyuan Road, and brother Chang was also in Shanghai. I borrowed a small car from Yu Huifang. I drove it by myself, and I drove to Baoshan Road with Zhongxian and brother Chang to check the new dormitory that had been allocated to me, and then drove to Wuchang Road to invite Jingxiang and cousin Xiaosheng to take a car ride back to Yuyuan Road for lunch. After a break in the afternoon, I drove to Zhongshan Park and visited other places, and sent them home after dinner. When Jing Xiang returned to his hometown, told everybody that I was able to drive, and he was very happy after taking a ride in the car. Jingxiang got along well with my father, liked brothers. When my father worked in big cities, he took care of our family in the village sincerely, everything was discussed with him, and he tried his best to help to make proper arrangements, such as building a house and my father’s funeral. I was glad to have this opportunity to ask him to take a car tour in the park. This just was a small token of my deep appreciation.
It was about the autumn of 1947. When my aunt was in Changzhou, she came to Shanghai with my elder sister-in-law. After they arrived, Zhongxian and I were both very happy. We borrowed a jeep from classmate Wang Wuxiang, this Jeep belonged to his father. on Sunday, we visited Longhua and other places, and seemed to have gone to Jiaotong University to look for Xu Tongsheng, but he was not there. Although we asked, my aunt refused to live longer in Shanghai, and still went back to Changzhou with the elder brother-in-law. In my aunt’s life, she never went to other places except for a trip in a boat to Hangzhou for burning incense and praying before Buddha. It’s unexpected to come to Shanghai by chance.
In late April 1948, I invited my mother and brother Chang to Shanghai, preparing to visit Hangzhou. Because my aunt had been there, she stayed at home in the village to look after mother’s house. After two or three days of staying in Shanghai, we took the morning train to Hangzhou and stayed in a hotel not far from the lakeside. After dinner, we took a short rest and walked around the lakeside park to see the scenery of West Lake. And strolled around the street scene, and immediately returned to the hotel to rest. At that time, the traffic was inconvenient, and brother Kai once wrote a business card to introduce the bus tour to travel around. However, some tourists in the hotel said that the bus was too fast to pass by in a flash, so it was better to take a rickshaw to watch it carefully. After I heard it, I thought it made sense, so I booked three rickshaws that night and planned for a day trip tomorrow. The next morning, after having breakfast, we took rickshaws and slowly pulled through the lakeside, along the inner circle of the West Lake, across the broken bridge, and visited Huagang Viewing at Flower Pond and many other places, as far as Lingyin Temple.
My mother was very pious. She hung a sachet made of yellow cloth. When she saw the Bodhisattva in the temple, she lit incense candles and bowed down, wishing all her relatives safety, and returning via Sudi to complete the whole day tour. After the tour, we felt that the rickshaw was pulling slowly, and we could take a good look at the surrounding scenery, which was indeed better than a touring bus. The next day, we took a boat tour of West Lake, and I met Sheng Dingsan and his wife and his siblings at Three Pools Mirroring the Moon or Louwailou and they were also visiting the West Lake. On the third day, we took a touring bus to Liuhe Pagoda, watched the Qiantang River Bridge, entered the mountain to Hupao Spring, and returned to the city in the afternoon. It seemed to have a look in front of Zhejiang University, and then went back to the hotel. Returned to Shanghai by train. A roll of photos was taken, but it was destroyed during the ten years of turmoil, it was a pity.
West Lake (杭州西湖)Image by 彬彬 王 from Pixabay On the Lunar New Year in 1949, I and Zhongxian, who was pregnant (the second son) at the time, brought my first son back to my hometown in Maoyan, Changzhou, and spent a new year with my mother, aunt and brother Chang. This year, on February 16th of the lunar calendar, 1949, the second son was born in Gongji Hospital by the Suzhou River. A feast celebrating the first month of a newborn younger son was held at home, two tables of guests were all colleagues of China National Petroleum Corporation. This is a photo of the younger son.
In early 1949, the personnel of China National Petroleum Corporation had plans to transfer Taiwan in batches. At that time, my thoughts were waiting for dispatch. I remembered two batches were going, and then Another group of people transferred back to Shanghai from Taiwan.
At the end of April 1949, brother Chang came to Shanghai to visit. In May 1949, my brother Kai, sister-in-law Fang and three nephews decided to leave Shanghai for Taiwan and bought air tickets for brother Chang. But before finally boarding the plane, brother Chang thought mother and aunt were in the hometown, he rather stayed with them. So he decided to return the plane ticket and stayed in Shanghai instead of going with brother Kai’s family. My Nanyang Middle School classmate Yin Zhongkui originally worked in Taiwan and returned to Shanghai with his family in April. After a short stay, he sent his family back to their hometown in Shangyou, Jiangxi province. Now it seemed that brother Chang could go but did not leave, and Zhongkui could stay in Taiwan but came back to Jiangxi. Since then, they have been upside down for decades. Liu Zhiguo’s departure from Shanghai to Hong Kong that could also be said to have reversed his future. Was this destiny? I don’t believe in destiny. It is just an unforeseen decision made by a person’s mind in a specific environment at the time, but the consequences are so different that it cannot be explained.
It was a pity for me to think of brother Chang’s life. If he hadn’t become ill since he was a child, he would have studied and worked outside. He was serious in everything and had a strong memory. If he had been going to school, his achievements would be above me. If he was going out with elder brother Kai’s family at that time, he might also do some work. There must be a different situation.
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18. 以祖訓定論「不求金玉貴,但願子孫賢」(繁体)
2022-12-1010. Kunming in 1942
2022-12-0613. Kolkata 1944.5-1945.8
2022-12-08 -
16. 中国石油公司 1946年8月至1949年5月
2022-12-09 /中国石油公司系由资源委员会甘肃油矿局改组而成立的。大部份人员来自重庆的甘肃油矿局。由国外物资组转过去的仅尤寅照、曹祖娥及我三人。不久尤寅照辞职去中国银行陈长桐的外汇管理处工作。
West Lake (杭州西湖)Image by 彬彬 王 from Pixabay 1949年阴历新年,我曾与中贤,当时怀孕(小儿)在身,带了大儿回乡下家中,和母亲、姑母、昌弟过了一个新年。这年阴历2月16日小儿生在苏州河畔的公济医院,满月时家中请了二席喜酒,都是中国石油公司的同事。这是小儿子的照片。
4月底,昌弟来沪探望。 5月间开哥芳嫂和三姪决定离沪,也为昌弟买好了机票。但最后上机前,昌弟孝思母亲姑母在乡,毅然让去机票留沪,未随哥嫂前去。我南洋中学同学尹钟逵原在台湾工作,四月间携家返沪,稍停留即送家眷回江西上犹老家。昌弟与钟逵,现在看来,正好一可走而不走,一可不回而回,从此乐苦颠倒了几十年。又想到刘之国的离沪去港,也可说是苦乐颠倒了。此是否命运呢,我不信命运,是一个人的思想在当时特定环境中的并无预见的决定而已,但后果竟有如此的不同,就无法解释了。
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4. A Year in Hong Kong 1937.10-1938.10
2022-11-2912. 卡拉其 1943年10月至1944年5月
2022-12-0715. 阔别了八年的上海,终于又回来了
2022-12-08 -
16. 中國石油公司 1946年8月至1949年5月(繁体)
2022-12-08 /中國石油公司係由資源委員會甘肅油礦局改組而成立的。大部份人員來自重慶的甘肅油礦局。由國外物資組轉過去的僅尤寅照、曹祖娥及我三人。不久尤寅照辭職去中國銀行陳長桐的外匯管理處工作。
我當時及以前的想法是: 開哥提攜我出來,自百水橋開始到香港,增加了閱歷。再經新、緬、印、渝等地的幾年工作經驗,有了做事的獨立能力。我對國家原本有實業救國的思想,認為一國無工業就無富強獨立。一個人也如此,沒有經濟實力,就難以創業,但也有白手起家的例子。我們老家無底子,只有經小到大,從無到有的一步步走。自己讀書不興,做官要講資格無望。所以自己想如何從經商著手積攢再辦實業的路子,憑自力創業,就毋須什麼資格了。如果我想再跟開哥,一則有如紅樓夢中所說:「一榮俱榮,一損俱損」的可能。再則工作做好了,自然應該,但做壞了,反而將連累開哥。三則自己親兄弟,難免被人議論任用私人,不利開哥進一步的發展。
我對鄉裡親友鄰居有極深厚的同情心,覺得種田或教書收入微薄,生活清苦,如何能以自己的一點力量,加以幫助。靠介紹工作,謀小事,又有上述困難,因此一直有辦實業的想法,自己有了實力,即在我村東面,我家尖頭田,高乾柯埄建造榨油廠,磚瓦廠等,或再辦織布廠,為婦女也創造就業機會 (當時馬杭橋已有小織布廠)。我村水路可直通常州和戚墅堰,交通方便,雖距離較遠,但對成本無多大影響。人員全用鄉人,自家人及近親。如請景祥伯、昌弟等擔任董事 (以大喻小) 開甲哥擔任經理,因他經過商,鄉下情況及人頭熟,也有點能力,只要我們掌握得當,就不至於豁邊。請大姐夫掌握財會,二姐夫主持內務,仲祺等也可吸收進來。工人左鄰右舍,由近而遠,本村開始,為經營得好再擴大吸收外村人。這樣就可根本解決:鄉親們對我們在外面做事的人的企望和要求推薦點事做做,或借點錢用用。如能辦得好,符合當時社會經濟發展的潮流,也可能得到進一步的發展。此外我想到,我是靠免費才能讀完高中而跳出鄉土的。也應對本鄉本村的有天資的兒童給以讀書的機會,所以請浩然叔等以較高待遇,安心辦好茅堰義務小學。有前途可造就的學生,就資助逐步深造。但時代不同了,空想而已。
West Lake (杭州西湖)Image by 彬彬 王 from Pixabay 1949年陰曆新年,我曾與中賢,當時懷孕(小兒)在身,帶了大兒回鄉下家中,和母親、姑母、昌弟過了一個新年。這年陰曆2月16日小兒生在蘇州河畔的公濟醫院,滿月時家中請了二席喜酒,都是中國石油公司的同事。這是小兒子的照片。
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6. 从新加坡到缅甸仰光
2022-12-0113. 加爾各答 1944年5月-1945年8月(繁体)
2022-12-085. 新加坡!1938年11月至1939年6月
2022-11-30 -
15. Finally Returned to Shanghai After Eight Years
2022-12-08 /The Minister of Economic Affairs was Weng Wenhao at the time, and Zhang Zikai was appointed as the special commissioner of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The main task was to receive the enemy and puppet industries after Japan surrendered. The foreign material group was temporarily under the Ministry of Economic.
In the morning, I left Chongqing and arrived at Longhua Airport in Shanghai in the evening via Hankou and Nanjing. After eight long years of absence, I finally returned to Shanghai in December, 1945. That night, I stayed in a small dormitory assigned to Zhang Zuping by the Central Trust Bureau on Jiujiang Road. When I went to report the next day, the foreign materials group first arranged to work in the Bund 17 Building, and soon moved to the Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui Special Commission Office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Jiangxi Road. Several ships of CDS materials had arrived, but no dock could be found to unload. One of the earliest ships had been here for nearly a month and was still anchored in the Huangpu River. After I contacted Liu Nianzhi’s Zhonghua Wharf Company, the ship stopped at Zhonghua South Warehouse Wharf to unload the materials. Another hundred Dodge trucks were unloaded at the outer Wharf and barged to the Gongyang Wharf before unloading to the Nissan Yangshupu Chemical Industry Factory vacant land. After arriving in Shanghai, due to work, I hadn’t been able to come back to my home in Changzhou.
Sister-in-law Fang and nephew Ning took the boat back to Shanghai before returning to Luzhi. After I arrived, they were living at Xi Jianping’s house on Fuzhou Road in Shanghai, so I rushed to visit. Soon sister-in-law Fang and nephew Ning went back to Luzhi.
Image by Zhu Bing from Pixabay On the New Year’s Day holiday in 1946, I immediately took the train back to Changzhou and went to my sister’s house in Baiyundu. It happened that my mother also came to the city one or two days earlier. When I met, I couldn’t help but cry and hugged my mother. Everyone had mixed sorrows and joys, but this was reality, and immediately tears stopped and burst into a smile. The joy of everyone’s heart, after the catastrophe, the flesh and blood could still meet, there was no more life than this. All the nephews were in their teens, Mingjuan, Zhongjuan, Dahuan, Xiaohuan, Guan Fang were all there. The eldest brother-in-law and eldest sister have entered middle age. In the afternoon of the next day, my mother, eldest brother-in-law and I took the boat to go to the countryside and went ashore on Nanni Bridge. First we met Huansheng, and met my aunt and Brother Chang at home. Immediately the whole village knew it, all came to visit, the lively scene, at this moment I still remember it, but it was very hard to describe by writing. After dinner, people from distant villages such as Yujiatang, Tangjiacun, and Xijiekou came. The gate was full, chatting and laughing until late at night. The next day I went to Lijiaqiao with my eldest brother-in-law. I was probably the first one to get home from the mainland not occupied by Japanese Amy, so whether I knew each other in the past or not, I had to say something. At noon, Chongqing invited us to his uncle’s house for lunch. The eldest aunt and several uncles and aunts all came to see each other. Afternoon, the second sister and the second brother-in-law also went home with the nephews when they heard the news. Kingxiang also came for dinner. On the third day, I went to Shanghai due to work.
The Shanghai Office of Materials in India Receiving Committee was established soon, and the relationship was temporarily attached to the Office of the Commissioner of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui under the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Brother Kai returned to Shanghai to take charge. I once asked Xie Chengjian to issue a letter of certification, saying that Wan Zhongxian and Wang Qilian were stagnation personnel from the office who should come to Shanghai as soon as possible to facilitate work. I took it to the special commissioner’s office in exchange for a certificate and sent it to Chongqing. It was handled by Wang Xudong. Zhongxian and Qilian took the flight back to Shanghai in late January 1946. Yin Gongsheng was still in Chongqing. He took care of Zhongxian and Qilian and saw them off. Qilian went to Nanjing to disembark from the plane, and Zhongxian went to Shanghai. At that time, Zhongxian had been pregnant for several months. Fortunately, she was able to fly to Shanghai. Otherwise, it would be too difficult to give birth in Chongqing or take a ship.
In March or early April of 1946, my mother invited Zhongxian and I to have a wedding for two days at home. There were about 30 tables. Brother Kai, sister-in-law Fang, Nephews Ning and Yue also went home to reunite together, the eldest sister and the whole family, as well as aunt and brother Chang. It was really so-called “After the disaster, there must be abundant happiness”. These were the most lively and joyous days in my family. The only regret was that my father passed away too early.
Image by cplz99atcsnilyk from Pixabay On New Year’s Day, I returned to my hometown and this time brother Kai, sister-in-law Fang, and Zhongxian returned home. Although we did not become a big official or made a fortune, it could also be said that “we returned home with honor, and received a warm welcome”. Just look at two times of national subjugation in the history of our country, which ended up being the rule of Yuan and Qing for decades or hundreds of years. Wen Tianxiang and Shi Kefa failed to revitalize the country. This time the war of resistance was bound to win, defeating the Japanese army in just eight years. It was indeed the first time in history that we have returned to our hometown. The neighbors, relatives and friends far and near, were all happy, hoping for stability and prosperity from now on. This was how I felt at the time.
The Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui Special Commissioner’s offices were soon cancelled. Zhang Zikai was transferred to China National Petroleum Corporation as an associate, and the general manager was Weng Wenhao. At the same time, the Material Supply Bureau of the Executive Yuan was established, with Jiang Biao as its director. All CDS materials of the foreign material group should be accepted by the Material Supply Bureau. The two institutions have changed, almost at the same time. So my own whereabouts must be considered.
You Yinzhao followed Zhang Zikai to the China National Petroleum Corporation as the director of the transportation department. I said that I would also go to China Petroleum Corporation, because oil was a new enterprise and had a promising future. At the same time, the foreign material group received a total of nearly ten thousand tons of materials from about a dozen ships. I had completed all the import procedures. However, the materials stored in terminals had not been picked up because of lack of warehouses. When the Material Supply Bureau would come to receive, we only needed to hand over all the bills of lading and other documents. There were a lot of documents and materials. Zhu Zhiwu, the director of the Storage and Transportation Department of the Material Supply Bureau, came to find out and felt that he did not know anyone who was enthusiastic about him. After discussing with Zhu Zhiwu, the head of the business section Zhu Maocheng (He was formerly a member of the Special Commissioner’s Office, my acquaintance) invited me to serve as the deputy chief of the business section in that office. It’s a lot more convenient for them. I agreed to follow the flow, but with an explanation that I had reported to the oil company and went to the storage and transportation office only temporarily, and I would decide whether to stay after the arrangements were made. They agreed and went to meet Jiang Biao. It took three months to help establish the system and design the card report. Because I did not explain to the oil company, I felt that it would be inconvenient to go back and forth like this, so I quitted my part-time job.
I was assigned to the transportation office of the oil company to be responsible for water transportation, under the name of the deputy manager. My previous monthly salary of 340 yuan was from the special commissioner’s office. Now the Eastern District Deputy Representative Office of the Ministry of Communications had stopped issuing it. My salary increased to 360 yuan when I entered China National Petroleum Corporation. At the same time, the dormitory on Baoshan Road, which has been living until now, was allocated. The work problem settled down.Previous slideNext slide您可能也喜欢
16. 中國石油公司 1946年8月至1949年5月(繁体)
2022-12-0814. 抗戰勝利回重慶(繁体)
2022-12-0815. 闊別了八年的上海,終於又回來了(繁体)
2022-12-08 -
15. 闊別了八年的上海,終於又回來了(繁体)
2022-12-08 /經濟部部長時為翁文灝,派張茲闓為經濟部特派員,主要任務是接收日本投降後的敵偽產業。國外物資組是臨時隸屬一下性質。
我第一批動身,上午離渝,經漢口,南京於傍晚到達龍華飛機場,闊別了八年的上海,終於在1945年12月又回來了。當晚宿九江路中信局派給祖屏的一小間宿舍。翌日去報到,國外物資組先安排在外灘十七號大樓辦公,後不久遷到江西路經濟部蘇浙皖特派員辦公處合併辦公。已有幾船 CDS物資運到,但找不到碼頭卸貨。有一船最早的已到了將近一個月,仍停泊黃浦江中。經我與劉念智的中華碼頭公司聯系後,該輪才停靠中華南棧卸下物資,另一百餘輛大道奇卡車在外檔卸船駁至公和样碼頭上岸再卸人已停工的日產楊樹浦化工廠空地。到滬後,因工作關係,尚未能抽空回常州家中一行。
上海 Image by DEZALB from Pixabay 芳嫂和寧寧先我趁船回到上海再回甪直。我到後,悉芳嫂正在滬住在福州路溪劍萍家中,我即趕去探望。不久芳嫂又回甪直。
Image by Zhu Bing from Pixabay 1946年元旦放假,我立刻趁火車回常,到白雲渡大姊家,正好母親也早一二日來城,相見之下,不免抱住痛哭,已實足八年多不見了。大家悲喜交集,但這是現實,立刻淚收顏開,笑容滿面。各人內心的歡樂,大劫之後,骨肉仍能相逢,人生無過於此了。諸甥都已十幾歲,明仲娟,大小寰之外,冠芳也在。大姐夫大姊已進入中年了。翌日下午,母親、大姐夫和我趁輪下鄉,到南泥橋上岸,首先遇到奐生哥,到家見到姑母及昌弟,又是一番悲喜交集。立刻全村皆知,都來探望,熱鬧情景,此刻我仍記憶猶新,但難以文字形容了。晚飯過後又有遠村如西街頭唐家村,於家塘的人來,大門口坐滿,談笑到深夜始散。第二天同大姐夫上禮嘉橋,我可能是從內地最早到家的一個,所以不論過去相熟不相熟,都要說句話。中午重慶哥堅邀到舅家吃中飯,大舅母及幾位舅舅舅母都來相見。下午始回,二姊二姐夫等聞訊也同諸甥回家相聚。景祥伯亦來家晚飯後始歸。第三日我因工作關係上城返滬。
Image by cplz99atcsnilyk from Pixabay 元旦我返鄉和這次開哥芳嫂中賢的返鄉。雖非做了大官或發了大財,但也可稱是衣錦還鄉,榮歸故裡了。試看在我國歷史上二次亡國,終為元清統治數十年或數百年。文天祥、史可法都未能振興復國。而此次抗戰必勝,僅僅八年就打敗日寇。我們重返故鄉,在歷史上確是第一次。左鄰右舍,遠近親戚朋友,無不歡躍,希望從此安定繁榮興旺。這是我當時的感受。
資供應局成立,由江杓出任局長。國外物資組的全部 CDS物資交物資供應局接收。這兩個機關更迭,幾乎在同時進行。因此我自己的去向問題必須考慮。尤寅照隨張去中國石油公司任運輸室主任,我即表示也同去中石,因石油是新興企業,必有發展的前途。同時國外物資組,共接收約十幾艘輪船運來的物資約近萬噸,進口手續我全部已辦妥,但物資存各碼頭因國外物資但無倉庫,都未提貨,故物資供應局前來接收時,我們只要將提單等所有單據移交即可。單據資料不少,供應局儲運處處長朱之武前來瞭解,覺得他手下沒有熱悉的人,業務科科長朱茂成(原系特派員辦事處人員,本認識)與朱之武商量後,邀我去該處任業務科副科長 這樣他們就方便不少了。我就順水推舟的同意了,但說明我已向石油公司報到,去儲運處只能是暫兼,安排就緒後再定去留。他們同意了同去見了江杓一面。兼了三個月幫助建立了製度,設計了卡片表報,因我對石油公司方面並未說明 覺得再這樣來往下去也不便,就辭了兼職。我在石油公司派在運輸室負責水運,名義為副管理師,月薪在特派員辦公處時交通部東區副代表辦公處已停發,由特派員辦公處敘薪 340元,進石油公司加為 360元。同時分配了一直居住到現在的寶山路宿舍,工作問題就安定了下來。
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5. 新加坡!1938年11月至1939年6月(繁体)
2022-11-306. From Singapore to Yangon, Myanmar
2022-12-012. 常州武陽小學和上海南洋中學(繁体)
2022-11-26 -
15. 阔别了八年的上海,终于又回来了
2022-12-08 /经济部部长时为翁文灏,派张兹闿为经济部特派员,主要任务是接收日本投降后的敌伪产业。国外物资组是临时隶属一下性质。
我第一批动身,上午离渝,经汉口,南京于傍晚到达龙华飞机场,阔别了八年的上海,终于在1945年12月又回来了。当晚宿九江路中信局派给祖屏的一小间宿舍。翌日去报到,国外物资组先安排在外滩十七号大楼办公,后不久迁到江西路经济部苏浙皖特派员办公处合并办公。已有几船 CDS物资运到,但找不到码头卸货。有一船最早的已到了将近一个月,仍停泊黄浦江中。经我与刘念智的中华码头公司联系后,该轮才停靠中华南栈卸下物资,另一百余辆大道奇卡车在外档卸船驳至公和样码头上岸再卸人已停工的日产杨树浦化工厂空地。到沪后,因工作关系,尚未能抽空回常州家中一行。
Image by Zhu Bing from Pixabay 1946年元旦放假,我立刻趁火车回常,到白云渡大姊家,正好母亲也早一二日来城,相见之下,不免抱住痛哭,已实足八年多不见了。大家悲喜交集,但这是现实,立刻泪收颜开,笑容满面。各人内心的欢乐,大劫之后,骨肉仍能相逢,人生无过于此了。诸甥都已十几岁,明仲娟,大小寰之外,冠芳也在。大姐夫大姊已进入中年了。翌日下午,母亲、大姐夫和我趁轮下乡,到南泥桥上岸,首先遇到奂生哥,到家见到姑母及昌弟,又是一番悲喜交集。立刻全村皆知,都来探望,热闹情景,此刻我仍记忆犹新,但难以文字形容了。晚饭过后又有远村如西街头唐家村,于家塘的人来,大门口坐满,谈笑到深夜始散。
Image by cplz99atcsnilyk from Pixabay 元旦我返乡和这次开哥芳嫂中贤的返乡。虽非做了大官或发了大财,但也可称是衣锦还乡,荣归故里了。试看在我国历史上二次亡国,终为元清统治数十年或数百年。文天祥、史可法都未能振兴复国。而此次抗战必胜,仅仅八年就打败日寇。我们重返故乡,在历史上确是第一次。左邻右舍,远近亲戚朋友,无不欢跃,希望从此安定繁荣兴旺。这是我当时的感受。苏浙皖特派员办公处不久撤消。张兹闿转任中国石油公司协理,总经理为翁文灏兼。同时行政院物资供应局成立,由江杓出任局长。国外物资组的全部 CDS物资交物资供应局接收。这两个机关更迭,几乎在同时进行。因此我自己的去向问题必须考虑。
尤寅照随张去中国石油公司任运输室主任,我即表示也同去中石,因石油是新兴企业,必有发展的前途。同时国外物资组,共接收约十几艘轮船运来的物资约近万吨,进口手续我全部已办妥,但物资存各码头因国外物资但无仓库,都未提货,故物资供应局前来接收时,我们只要将提单等所有单据移交即可。单据资料不少,供应局储运处处长朱之武前来了解,觉得他手下没有热悉的人,业务科科长朱茂成 (原系特派员办事处人员,本认识) 与朱之武商量后,邀我去该处任业务科副科长这样他们就方便不少了。我就顺水推舟的同意了,但说明我已向石油公司报到,去储运处只能是暂兼,安排就绪后再定去留。他们同意了同去见了江杓一面。兼了三个月帮助建立了制度,设计了卡片表报,因我对石油公司方面并未说明 觉得再这样来往下去也不便,就辞了兼职。我在石油公司派在运输室负责水运,名义为副管理师,月薪在特派员办公处时交通部东区副代表办公处已停发,由特派员办公处叙薪340元,进石油公司加为360元。同时分配了一直居住到现在的宝山路宿舍。工作问题就安定了下来。
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17. 下半生
2022-12-095. Singapore! 1938.11-1939.6
2022-11-3015. Finally Returned to Shanghai After Eight Years
2022-12-08 -
14. Victory in the War
2022-12-08 /At the beginning of 1945, the Wartime Production Bureau was established in China, and Weng Wenhao served as the director, mainly taking over the unified distribution of CDS materials and improving the production level. Chen Changtong was appointed as the Deputy Director of the Priority Division (the director was concurrently served by the Deputy Director of the bureau Peng Xuepei) and Zhang Zuping was transferred to Chongqing as the head of the accounting team of the Priority Division. This accounting team took charge of the CDS material account. Zhang Zuping asked me to return to Chongqing to assist the team. I had been abroad for two years, and my salary was still being paid in India, so I took the US military transport plane to Dibrugarh on August 6th, 1945 (because I can bring more things and the fare was cheaper than the China Airlines, so I took the US plane) Wei Weiheng and Shen Huilin were in charge of the work there. I stayed in the dormitory of the Ordnance Department. Unexpectedly, the next day, I was about to contact the plane, and suddenly heard the news of Japan’s surrender. Everyone was jubilant to celebrate victory.
Image by clarkelz from Pixabay Image by briankapeesh from Pixabay All US military aircraft were suspended. Representatives of the Eastern District Representative Office and various agencies held a celebration party in the representative office. After ten days, normal U.S. military planes resumed operations as usual, and on the 15th, the U.S. military notified me to fly to Kunming. Stayed in Kunming for one night and continued to fly to the airport near Chongqing Gele mountain the next day. On August 22nd, 1945, I returned to Chongqing in a very happy mood.
At that time, Zhongxian was first introduced by her uncle to work in the quartermaster factory. Later, because I wanted to return to Chongqing and Sichuan Education College could provide a family dormitory, Yu Huifang, who was working there, introduced Zhongxian to work in the accounting department of the Sichuan Education College. Zhongxian was allocated a dormitory. After the war was won, and it was a long-lost reunion, the joy at that time was beyond words. On the next day, I went to the 20th factory to visit my sister-in-law Fang, nephew Ning and both Shi’s and Zheng’s homes. Brother Kai was still in India at that time.
Due to the victory, the situation had changed drastically. After I reported to the priority office, I was sent the audit team to assist Zuping in the name of a commissioner. However, all the materials in India were stopped transportation except for those that were urgently needed, so there was actually no work. After Zhang Zuping considered his future, he was introduced by Liu Nianzhi to He Molin, Director of the Storage and Transportation Department of the Central Trust Bureau, and was dispatched to Shanghai to work in the Central Trust Bureau in mid-October. I acted as the leader of the accounting team.
Soon, a committee for receiving materials in India was established, with Fang Zhaohao as the director. The materials in India were transported back to China by ocean instead of air transportation. At the same time, the CDS materials planned to be shipped to India by the United States were re-shipped to Shanghai, which needed to be received and managed by institutions. To this end, most of the staff of the Priority Division Distribution Group and the Accounting Group were dispatched to Shanghai. All staff were subordinate to the Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui Special Commission Office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and a foreign material group was established to take charge of the reception and other tasks. I flew to Shanghai on December 13th, 1945 with most of the staff in the accounting team. You Yinzhao, the former leader of the distribution group, was appointed as the leader of the new group, and I was responsible for import and delivery.
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14. 抗戰勝利回重慶(繁体)
2022-12-08 /1945年初,國內成立了戰時生產局,翁文灝任局長,主要接管 CDS物資的統一分配,提高生產水平。陳長桐任優先處副處長(處長由副局長彭學沛兼)調張祖屏到重慶任優先處計核組組長,主管CDS物資帳。後祖屏要我也回渝協助。我出國將二年,薪水暫仍在印度發,所以就於八月六日趁美軍運輸機到狄不魯加(因東西可多帶些,票價也較中航便宜,故乘美機)住在兵工署宿舍,時魏維恆、沈惠林在主持工作。不料第二天正想去聯系飛機,忽聽到日本投降消息,普天歡騰,共慶勝利。美軍飛機全部停航。
Image by clarkelz from Pixabay Image by briankapeesh from Pixabay 東區代表處及各機關代表在代表處開慶祝聯歡大會。十日後恢復正常美軍飛機照常通航,至第十五日美軍通知我乘機飛昆。在昆明住了一晚,翌日續飛重慶停歌樂山附近的機場,日期大約是1945年8月22日。心情愉快地又平安回到了重慶。
不久成立了存印物資接收委員會,由方兆鎬任主任。存印物資改水運回國,不再空運。同時由美原擬運印的 CDS物資改運上海,需機構接收管理。為此將優先處分配組及計核組大部分人員調派赴上海,隸屬經濟部蘇浙皖特派員辦公處,成立國外物資組負責接收等工作。我和計核組大部分人員於12月13日飛赴上海。由原分配組組長尤寅照任國外物資組組長,我負責進口接運。
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16. China National Petroleum Corp. 1946.8-1949.5
2022-12-094. 香港一載 1937年10月至1938年10月 (繁体)
2022-11-2910. Kunming in 1942
2022-12-06 -
14. 抗战胜利回重庆
2022-12-08 /1945年初,国内成立了战时生产局,翁文灏任局长,主要接管 CDS物资的统一分配,提高生产水平。陈长桐任优先处副处长(处长由副局长彭学沛兼)调张祖屏到重庆任优先处计核组组长,主管CDS物资帐。后祖屏要我也回渝协助。我出国将二年,薪水暂仍在印度发,所以就于八月六日趁美军运输机到狄不鲁加(因东西可多带些,票价也较中航便宜,故乘美机)住在兵工署宿舍,时魏维恒、沈惠林在主持工作。不料第二天正想去联系飞机,忽听到日本投降消息,普天欢腾,共庆胜利。美军飞机全部停航。
Image by clarkelz from Pixabay Image by briankapeesh from Pixabay 东区代表处及各机关代表在代表处开庆祝联欢大会。十日后恢复正常美军飞机照常通航,至第十五日美军通知我乘机飞昆。在昆明住了一晚,翌日续飞重庆停歌乐山附近的机场,日期大约是1945年8月22日。心情愉快地又平安回到了重庆。
那时中贤先由她舅舅介绍入军需署制呢厂工作。后因我要回渝。俞惠芳在工作的四川省教育学院有家属宿舍,故中贤经她介绍入四川省教育学院会计科工作,配到宿舍一间。时逢抗战胜利,又是久别重逢,当时的欢乐,实难以文字形容。到后翌日就去二十厂看望芳嫂、宁宁及史郑二家。开哥那时又去印度了。由于胜利了,形势大变,我到优先处报到后,以专员名义派在计核组协助祖屏工作,但存印物资除特别急需的外,全部停运,所以事实上没有什么工作。祖屏考虑了今后的前途后,经刘念智介绍给中央信托局储运处处长何墨林,旋即于十月中被派乘机飞上海入中信局工作。计核组由我代理组长。不久成立了存印物资接收委员会,由方兆镐任主任。存印物资改水运回国,不再空运。同时由美原拟运印的 CDS物资改运上海,需机构接收管理。为此将优先处分配组及计核组大部分人员调派赴上海,隶属经济部苏浙皖特派员办公处,成立国外物资组负责接收等工作。我和计核组大部分人员于12月13日飞赴上海。由原分配组组长尤寅照任国外物资组组长,我负责进口接运。Previous slideNext slide您可能也喜欢
唐 王湾 《次北固山下》
2023-07-1711. 在重慶的一年餘, 結婚(繁体)
2022-12-0615. Finally Returned to Shanghai After Eight Years
2022-12-08 -
13. Kolkata 1944.5-1945.8
2022-12-08 /Zhou Xiansong, the representative of the Ministry of Transportation in East India, was former deputy director of the Haiphong Branch of the Southwest Transportation Department, and brother of Zhou Xianyan. He was based in Dibrugarh. Deputy Representative Wang Shenming was based in Kolkata. There were more than a dozen people, and the task was to manage the materials of various government agencies overseas to the Port of Kolkata, most of which were the accounting records of materials under the US Leasing Act. The transportation was handled by the US Army. According to the order required by each agency, we contacted the US military for shipment and expediting. In addition, a small amount of the important equipment of the Ministry of Transportation is self-reported from the work of the US Air Force to transport Kunming directly. Half of the staff belonged to the Yangon office of the former Ministry of Transportation, and the other half belonged to former Haiphong, Yangon, and Lashio offices, so we were all acquaintances. It was to create a job to accommodate me, and everyone had no opinion due to our personal relationships. I was planning to appoint it in the name of an engineer, but I did not get approved because I had no academic qualifications. I still paid the original Indian-Iran Transport Office salary of 260 dong in the name of the chief section staff member. I was assigned to the same job as when I was in the Yangon branch, and I was willing to accept it because I knew myself and had no objection.
When I went abroad, I never thought that the Indian-Iran Transport Department would be so short-lived. If I returned to China, life in China would be even more difficult, and it would not be easy to find work during wartime. Fortunately, Zhang Zuping was the first to help, and Guilin was the last, so I still had positions in India, which was due to help from good friends. Sun Guilin returned to Shanghai after World War victory. At that time, Shen Shihua was the secretary-general of Mayor Qian Dajun. Guilin also joined the municipal government, not in the secretary-general’s office, but in an idle position. The relationship between them seemed to have changed, and the internal situation was unknown. He soon married at the church on Shandong Road in Shanghai and started to work for the Bank of China, and seemed to be working in Chen Changtong’s foreign sector. Around 1947, he was transferred to the Bank of China in Kolkata, India. After that, I lost contact with him, and I still missed his situation so far.
加尔各答 Victoria, Image by Nirmal Sarkar from Pixabay At that time, the Ministry of Transportation set up a radio station in Kolkata, and the radio station director was also held by the Deputy Representative Wang Shenming, so the radio staff knew well with our representative office staff. We organized a basketball team to participate in overseas Chinese games, and formed a team to compete with the Indian team many times. On New Year in 1945, New Year’s Eve, the representative office and radio personnel merged to organize a dinner at Representative Wang’s home. There were three colleagues who missed one in a Mahjong game and pulled me to make up the number. I also came with high spirits to fight all night. Unexpectedly, I was very lucky, especially when the day was dawning, I frequently won by my own draw. I remembered that I won nearly 100 dongs that night.Another time, Zhang Yuanlun came to Kolkata on a business trip. Chen Ligang held a welcoming dinner for Zhang Yuanlun at home and invited me to participate. After a meal, playing poker was actually different from five-card stud. It has seven cards, two dark and five bright, and five cards are optional. I was asked to participate, although I didn’t like to gamble, but it was difficult to refuse at the time. I also carried some money, so I participated. Unexpectedly, I was lucky. In the end, I won nearly two hundred dongs. The so-called God of Gambling, Bodhisattva accepts apprentices, but only accepts those who don’t know how to gamble or have poor skills. If you became addicted, you would be bankrupt.
C.P. was formerly the representative of CDS in Kolkata and later as the consul general of the Consulate General in Kolkata, India. Chen Ligang was the secretary, and Li Shanzhong still took charge of confidential work. Once it seemed to be to welcome a certain important person to go abroad. He hosted a banquet and invited representatives from various agencies in India to accompany him. Because I was an old colleague from Yangon, I was also invited, so did Chen Xiangtao, deputy director of Yangon.
The Consulate General in Kolkata applied for an overseas Chinese registration certificate in 1945, and I also went to apply for one. Unfortunately, it had been destroyed during the ten years of turmoil, otherwise it could be kept as a memorial to an overseas Chinese.
The representative office was closed every Saturday afternoon. In addition to playing sports, watching movies and drinking coffee, I had also visited two race halls in Kolkata, which were very different in size in summer and winter. Especially in the winter, the green grass was so beautiful (it was in the semi-tropical area), and it was open and fresh. It was also fun to watch horse races in the stands or take a walk on the grass. Sometimes I saw that horse had a majestic posture and walked like flying, so I bought a betting ticket according to its number. I remembered that it was two rupees for each. You could win more than 20 rupees or just several rupees when you hit it. There was a kind of Triple Ticket, the price was forgotten. You could use this ticket to get all the numbers of the three horses you specify, and the money you got was considerable, maybe dozens or hundreds of times. Therefore, many people bought betting tickets at the horse racing clubs, wanting to try their luck to win money. This was a legal and open gamble in that society at that time.
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
The coffee in Kolkata was very good. Especially the ice cream coffee from Calcutta Coffee House. Before arriving at the gate, I smelled the fragrance far away. Colleagues often went for drinking coffee, and I also participated. I remembered that my sister-in-law’s relative Xu Angqian was in Kolkata at that time, acting as a representative of the film studio, and we often went to drink coffee together.
Ice cream coffee, image by Sharon Ang from Pixabay
I went to Kolkata from Karachi. About three months later, suddenly I received a summons asking me to appear in court because my registration expired after arriving in Kolkata. One day I went to court with a subpoena, and when I entered, many people in lawyer’s clothes asked me about the case, and some asked me to hire him to defend me. I chose one person, and he asked for a fee of three rupees, and I agreed. He appeared in court and I was fined five rupees to close the case.
There were three bedrooms and one hall plus a front corridor in our dormitory. Ten people were living there. Several of the former Ministry of Transportation were older and did not go out often. The other three younger overseas Chinese were often not in the dormitory. Sometimes the head of the radio service team, Xu Ronglin, from Shanghai, visited us. He was funny and could play the Huqin and play card game bridge. It happened that one of us could perform Peking opera. He came to play and sing a few passages before playing bridge, but he did night shifts often, so he could not come often.
In foreign countries, there were few books and newspapers that could be read, so I was usually too free and felt very bored. One day, I talked to several people from the old Ministry of Transportation about the retreat in Yangon. They retreated straight to Kunming, so they didn’t suffer any loss or fright. But it reminded me of the experience of walking back and forth for eighteen days from Bhamo to Baoshan, whether I could write a novel, kill time, and start to think about it. I wrote an article truthfully after the situation, but I finished it in a few days. Still could not achieve the purpose of killing time. Later, I thought that when writing a novel, the plot can be fictitious and the characters can be true or false. The writing was the best, and it didn’t matter if the writing was not good. The manuscript began to be written in September 1944 and three copies were created in 1945. In the first few episodes, my view on interracial marriages was based on the real story of Dai Airen and the Indian girl. The plots of other characters were true and some were purely fictitious. The only one copy left in my family was not destroyed and was later returned after ten years of turmoil. After retirement, I had free time, read it several times, revised it, and recopied it into a ready-made copy. However, due to my poor literacy level and clumsy writing, I would only narrate straightforwardly and fail to reach the value of publication, so I was just for entertainment.
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7. 在仰光的工作时间最长
2022-12-019. Walk Retreat from Bhamo, Myanmar to Baoshan, China in 18 days
2022-12-0518. May the Future Generations be Virtuous
2022-12-10 -
13. 加爾各答 1944年5月-1945年8月(繁体)
2022-12-08 /交通部駐印東區代表周賢頌(曾任西南運輸處海防分處副處長,周賢言之兄)駐狄不魯加。副代表王慎名駐加爾各答。有人員十幾人,任務是管理海外到加爾各答港的各政府機關的物質,大部份為美國租借法案物資的帳務記錄工作。接運當時係由美軍代辦。根據各機關需要的先後次序與美軍聯絡發運及催運。另外對交通部自己的重要器材少量的自提自託美空軍直運昆明的工作。人員一半為原交通部駐仰光辦事處的,另一半係前海防、仰光、腊戍三處的,故我們都係熟人。我去是以人設事,大家由於私交,都沒有什麼意見。本擬以幫工程師名義委派,但卻以我無學歷未同意,仍以主任科員名義支印伊原薪二百六十盾。派我擔任與仰光分處時相同的工作,我亦樂於接受,因我有自知之明,毫無意見。
加尔各答 Victoria, Image by Nirmal Sarkar from Pixabay
當時交通部在加設有一座電台,台長即由王慎名兼,故電台人員與我們代表處人員往來很熟。曾組織籃球隊參加華僑的比賽,並合組代表隊與印度人球隊比賽多次。1945年陰曆新年,大除夕由代表處及電台人員合併組織在王代表家中聚餐過年。有三位同事喜雀戰缺一,拉我湊數,我也來乘興作戰通宵,不料我手氣很盛,尤其到剛天亮時更盛,頻頻自摸 ·回憶那晚似贏近百盾。
C.P.原任 CDS駐加爾各答代表,後任駐印度加爾各答總領事館總領事。陳立綱任秘書,李善中仍做機要工作。有一次好像是為歡迎某要人出國經加,他設宴歡迎,請各機關駐印代表參加作陪,我因是仰光舊同事,也在被邀之列,還有仰光的副處長陳湘濤等。
代表處每逢星期六下午不辦公。除打球看電影喝咖啡外,我也曾到過加爾各答夏冬季的兩個大小相差很大的跑馬廳觀光。尤其冬季的那個綠草如茵(加地處半熱帶),空曠清新,在看台上看看跑馬,或在草地上散步,也頗有樂趣。有時看見那匹馬姿態雄偉,健步如飛,就按其號碼買張馬票,記得是每張二盾,中了可分多時廿幾盾少時幾盾。有一種叫Triple Ticket 的多少錢一張已不記憶。即可憑此票在你指定的三場馬的號數全中了,那分得的錢就很可觀了,可能幾十倍也可能幾百倍。所以到跑馬所買馬票的人很多,都想碰運氣贏錢,這是當時那個社會的合法的公開的大賭博。
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
加爾各答的咖啡甚佳。尤其是Calcutta Coffee House 的ice cream的咖啡。未到館門,就遠遠聞到香味了。同事中常去品飲,我也參加。記得芳嫂的親戚徐昂千那時也在加做電影製片廠的代表,我們常去同飲。
冰淇淋咖啡 Image by Sharon Ang from Pixabay
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16. 中国石油公司 1946年8月至1949年5月
2022-12-09唐 王湾 《次北固山下》
2023-07-1716. China National Petroleum Corp. 1946.8-1949.5
2022-12-09 -
13. 加尔各答 1944年5月-1945年8月
2022-12-07 /交通部驻印东区代表周贤颂(曾任西南运输处海防分处副处长,周贤言之兄)驻狄不鲁加。副代表王慎名驻加尔各答。有人员十几人,任务是管理海外到加尔各答港的各政府机关的物质,大部份为美国租借法案物资的帐务记录工作。接运当时系由美军代办。根据各机关需要的先后次序与美军联络发运及催运。另外对交通部自己的重要器材少量的自提自托美空军直运昆明的工作。人员一半为原交通部驻仰光办事处的,另一半系前海防、仰光、腊戍三处的,故我们都系熟人。我去是以人设事,大家由于私交,都没有什么意见。本拟以帮工程师名义委派,但却以我无学历未同意,仍以主任科员名义支印伊原薪二百六十盾。派我担任与仰光分处时相同的工作,我亦乐于接受,因我有自知之明,毫无意见。
加尔各答 Victoria, Image by Nirmal Sarkar from Pixabay 当时交通部在加设有一座电台,台长即由王慎名兼,故电台人员与我们代表处人员往来很熟。曾组织篮球队参加华侨的比赛,并合组代表队与印度人球队比赛多次。 1945年阴历新年,大除夕由代表处及电台人员合并组织在王代表家中聚餐过年。有三位同事喜雀战缺一,拉我凑数,我也来乘兴作战通宵,不料我手气很盛,尤其到刚天亮时更盛,频频自摸 ·回忆那晚似赢近百盾。
C.P.原任 CDS驻加尔各答代表,后任驻印度加尔各答总领事馆总领事。陈立纲任秘书,李善中仍做机要工作。有一次好像是为欢迎某要人出国经加,他设宴欢迎,请各机关驻印代表参加作陪,我因是仰光旧同事,也在被邀之列,还有仰光的副处长陈湘涛等。
代表处每逢星期六下午不办公。除打球看电影喝咖啡外,我也曾到过加尔各答夏冬季的两个大小相差很大的跑马厅观光。尤其冬季的那个绿草如茵(加地处半热带),空旷清新,在看台上看看跑马,或在草地上散步,也颇有乐趣。有时看见那匹马姿态雄伟,健步如飞,就按其号码买张马票,记得是每张二盾,中了可分多时廿几盾少时几盾。有一种叫Triple Ticket 的多少钱一张已不记忆。即可凭此票在你指定的三场马的号数全中了,那分得的钱就很可观了,可能几十倍也可能几百倍。所以到跑马所买马票的人很多,都想碰运气赢钱,这是当时那个社会的合法的公开的大赌博。
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
加尔各答的咖啡甚佳。尤其是Calcutta Coffee House 的Icecream的咖啡。未到馆门,就远远闻到香味了。同事中常去品饮,我也参加。记得芳嫂的亲戚徐昂千那时也在加做电影制片厂的代表,我们常去同饮。
Image by Sharon Ang from Pixabay
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4. 香港一载 (1937年10月至1938年10月)
2022-11-299. 從緬甸八莫撤退到中國保山步行18天(繁体)
2022-12-056. 從新加坡到緬甸仰光(繁体)
2022-12-01 -
12. Karachi 1943.10-1944.5
2022-12-07 /After arriving in Kolkata, I saw Lin Hanting, he had left BOTC with his own business. There are also Zhang Xiaozheng and Wang Xiaocen from the Ordnance Industry Department. I did not meet Zhang Zuping, Shen Huilin, and Wei Weiheng because they were in Dibrugarh. Shen Shihua was the general representative of the Ministry of Communications in India, Sun Guilin was the secretary of the general representative office, and Meng Zhaochang and Wang Chunzhai were also working in the general representative office. I visited them, and it had been two years since we were separated in Yangon.
The India-Iran Transport Office was located in Karachi, Pakistan. After staying in Kolkata for three days, I took the train to New Delhi. Brother Kai was waiting for me, and we met very happily, then went to the General Representative Office of the Ordnance Industry Department in India for a break for breakfast. See Fang Zhaohao and Liu Shizan and so on. At about nine o’clock, Kai took me to a nearby park for a walk. After finding a place to sit down, I informed him about my marriage and other circumstances in Chongqing and told that Zhongxian stayed at Fang’s place temporarily , and might return to Qingmuguan’s home in the future. Brother Kai instructed me the direction of work that I should pay attention to in the future, and briefly talked about the relationship between the various units in India and the status quo in India.
Three days later, I took the car to Karachi, Liu Zhiguo and Diyuan came to pick me up. Liu Zhiguo was the representative of the Ordnance Industry Department in Western India. Diyuan was in charge of general affairs for the Commissioner of the Ministry of Transport in the West India Representative Office. Lu Mingpu was the commissioner and was responsible for the business. The representative of the western district Su Dixin was originally the representative in India of Fuxing Commercial Company.
The India-Iran Transport Office of the Ministry of Communications had been established, but Zhou Xiansong was still the representative of the Eastern District and had not yet come to Karachi. The deputy director Lu Zhenxuan, a native of Changzhou, was the nephew of the master Lusan Gonggong, a fellow practitioner of my aunt in Qingjingju temple. Lu Zhenxuan led three or four people to transport a batch of car parts from Karachi by train to Zahadan, Iran that was at the junction of Balochistan and Iran, the terminal station of the Western India Railway. At that time, it was originally planned to be transported by road from Zahadan to Tehran, the capital of Iran, and then transported by train to Almaty in the Soviet Union, and then transported by truck to Dihua in Xinjiang for transit inland. The trucks were also to be transported by Karachi. However, because the diplomatic relationship with the Soviet Union was not fully negotiated at that time, the batch was transported to Zahadan and had to be on standby there. Soon Lu Zhenxuan went back to Karachi first, and the domestic staff had arrived. Zhou Xiansong also came to Karachi and officially started office. I also moved from Liu Zhiguo’s place to the India-Iran Transport Office with the name of the chief clerk in charge of business work. However, with the exception of the shipment to Tehdan, the new substance would not be renewed because the road had not yet been completed, so there was nothing to do after completing the registration and other tasks within a few days. Soon Zhou Xiansong returned to the Eastern District, and Lu Zhenxuan presided over the wait.
At the time of Karachi, Several basketball players in the representative office of the West District and a cashier from the Bank of China Karachi office played well. These players plus Liu Zhiguo and I, as well as a truck driver of the India-Iran Transport Office organized a basketball team to compete with the local team many times.
On the west coast of Karachi, the sandy beaches were flat. My colleagues in various units in Karachi had also organized several picnics, swimming, sunbathing, and other activities.
During the Lunar New Year in 1944, the staff of various agencies in Karachi organized a party. On New Year’s Eve, they held a dinner, bridge playing, chess and other cultural activities in the courtyard of the Indian-Iran Transportation Department, and also held a dance party to invite foreign employees from all units. Most of the participants were female typists, plus the Miss landlord of Liu Zhiguo’s place. Lu Zhenxuan and I did not like to dance, so we played chess for fun.
Photo of me as chief clerk at the India-Iran Transport Department.
Ma Diyuan had a classmate at the Merchant Shipping School, named Dai Airen, who originally worked on a ship, but was dismissed when his ship was in Karachi. He happened to meet Diyuan and was introduced to Li Shu, the representative of the Department of Transportation, to assist in the work to avoid unemployment. Dai Airen was a tall, upright person. He had fallen in love with an Indian female typist and was hard to separate. However, at the time, both parties were not suitable to get married. This was a real problem and could not be solved by temporary feelings. I had advised him to think carefully. After I left Karachi, I did not know what happened afterward. But in 1949 or the first half of 1950, when I worked in an oil company, he suddenly came to see me one day and he hadn’t seen me for many years. Once we met, I was very happy. He worked on a foreign ship and came to Shanghai to unload the cargo. He knew my address and took the time to see me. I met him and went to eat together. He insisted on his treat. Speaking of the past, the Indian lady and him ended up not getting married because they became good friends. This was his very wise and correct handling. I admired him very much for his ability to rein in the horse at the edge of the cliff, not to be fascinated by emotions. He has not come again since then, I don’t know where he is now, and I really miss him.
In about February, the Soviet Union officially refused to cross the border. Therefore, the Indian-Iran Transport Office was ordered to withdraw, the personnel were demobilized and returned to China, and the Zahadan equipment was transported back to the Karachi Representative Office of the West District. The equipment arrived in April and the personnel returned to Karachi. It was officially cancelled in May.
After hearing the news in New Delhi, Sun Guilin took the initiative to try for me. He wrote to ask me what I intend to do in the future? Would you like to stay in India? He could try to let me work for the Kolkata Eastern Representative Office. I knew at the time that there were few materials in the Western District, and there were too many personnel in various agencies. Returning to China or staying in India is hesitating, Zhou Xiansong and Lu Zhenxuan had very shallow friendship, it was difficult to arrange the people they bring out by themselves, let alone me. I got this letter, immediately wrote back to ask for help. Soon it was concluded that I took the train to Kolkata in mid-May. Brother Kai had already returned to Chongqing, so I didn’t get off the train when I passed New Delhi. Although there were not many personnel in the Indian-Iran Transport Office, there were about 15 or 16 people. Except for Zhou Xiansong’s relatives, Sun Guanxian and Pan Zuyou, who seemed to go to the representative office in the Eastern District, Zhou Xiansong’s old man of Jiangnan Railway Company, Lin Yingyun, could only return back to China.
Lu Zhenxuan was a student studying in France. He was upright and resolute with no bureaucratic bad habits. He had no children, and he was a senior fellow countryman. So I respect him very much. He was formerly the director of Baoshan Branch of the Southwest Transportation Department, and he was also transferred from China this time. Later, I heard that he and Ou Xiangxi were sent by the Ministry of Transportation on an expedition from India to Dihua via southern Xinjiang for several months. The two of them had such perseverance and courage. It was not easy and it was admirable. Lu Zhenxuan served as the head of the transportation station in Xinjiang for a long time, and returned to the east after Japan surrendered. Around 1960, I seemed to have read in the newspapers that Lu Zhenxuan was appointed deputy director of the Guangdong-Han Railway Bureau, and there has been no news about him since. Brother Kai seemed to have participated in the land transportation survey from India’s Qashmir to Xinjiang. I didn’t remember when it was, maybe before Lu Zhenxuan. It seemed that only after arriving in Srinagar, he returned to New Delhi.
I lived in both Singapore and Karachi for only seven months, and I also had very little work, but life was very interesting. Decades have passed, Singapore has become independent, and Karachi has become the only major port in Pakistan. The appearance of the new modern city is incomparable with the old city, and it will be very much missed.
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9. 從緬甸八莫撤退到中國保山步行18天(繁体)
2022-12-052. My Primary School and Middle School
2022-11-261. Childhood, Family, Family Background
2022-11-08 -
12. 卡拉其 1943年10月至1944年5月(繁体)
2022-12-07 /到加爾各答 (Kolkata) 後,見到林漢廷,他已脫離 BOTC 在經商。還有兵工署的張效正、汪效岑。時張祖屏和沈惠林,魏維恆在狄不魯加 (Dibrugarh) 未見到。沈士華任交通部駐印總代表,孫桂林任總代表處秘書,孟昭常、王純齋也在總代表辦公處工作。我去拜訪了他們,自仰光分別已二年了,相見甚歡。
印伊運輸處設在現在的巴基斯坦卡拉其 (Karachi)。我在加爾各答停留三日後乘火車到新德里 (New Delhi)。開哥來接,相見極歡,同我到兵工署駐印總代表處休息用早膳。見到老方及劉始贊等。九時許開哥領我到附近公園散步,覓地坐下後,我即將在渝結婚等情況告知並告中賢暫住芳嫂處,今後可能回青木關家中居住。開哥指示我今後應注意和努力的方向,並略談了目前在印度各單位的關係及印度的現狀。
交通部印伊運輸處已成立,但周賢頌仍兼東區代表,尚未來卡。由副處長陸振軒,常州人,是姑母在清淨居的一位同修行的師傅陸三公公 (女的,但照男的稱呼) 的姪子帶領三四人運送一批汽車零件由卡拉其經火車運到伊朗的什黑丹 ZAHADAN,在現巴基斯坦的俾路支省與伊朗交界處,印度西部鐵路的終點站。當時原計劃由什黑丹用卡車經公路運到伊朗首府德黑蘭,再用火車運往蘇聯的阿拉木圖,再用卡車運到新疆的迪化,轉運內地。卡車也擬由卡拉其運去。但由於當時與蘇聯外交方面未完全談妥,所以運到什黑丹後,只能在那裏待命。不久陸振軒一人先回到卡拉其,國內人員時已到齊,周賢頌也來卡,正式開始辦公。我也自之國處搬到印伊運輸處,給我主任科員名義負責業務工作。但除已接收運往德黑丹的一批外,因路尚未通,新的物質暫不續運,所以沒有幾天完成登記等工作後,即無事可做。不久周回東區,由陸主持等待。
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4. A Year in Hong Kong 1937.10-1938.10
2022-11-292. 常州武阳小学和上海南洋中学
2022-11-2517. Second Half of Life
2022-12-09 -
12. 卡拉其 1943年10月至1944年5月
2022-12-07 /到加尔各答 (Kolkata) 后,见到林汉廷,他已脱离 BOTC 在经商。还有兵工署的张效正、汪效岑。时张祖屏和沈惠林,魏维恒在狄不鲁加 (Dibrugarh) 未见到。沈士华任交通部驻印总代表,孙桂林任总代表处秘书,孟昭常、王纯斋也在总代表办公处工作。我去拜访了他们,自仰光分别已二年了,相见甚欢。
印伊运输处设在现在的巴基斯坦的卡拉其 (Karachi)。我在加停留三日后乘火车到新德里 (New Delhi)。开哥来接,相见极欢,同我到兵工署驻印总代表处休息用早膳。见到老方及刘始赞等。九时许开哥领我到附近公园散步,觅地坐下后,我即将在渝结婚等情况告知并告中贤暂住芳嫂处,今后可能回青木关家中居住。开哥指示我今后应注意和努力的方向,并略谈了目前在印度各单位的关系及印度的现状。
交通部印伊运输处已成立,但周贤颂仍兼东区代表,尚未来卡。由副处长陆振轩,常州人,是姑母在清净居的一位同修行的师傅陆三公公(女的,但照男的称呼)的姪子带领三四人运送一批汽车零件由卡拉其经火车运到伊朗的什黑丹 ZAHADAN,在现巴基斯坦的俾路支省与伊朗交界处,印度西部铁路的终点站。当时原计划由什黑丹用卡车经公路运到伊朗首府德黑兰,再用火车运往苏联的阿拉木图,再用卡车运到新疆的迪化,转运内地。卡车也拟由卡拉其运去。但由于当时与苏联外交方面未完全谈妥,所以运到什黑丹后,只能在那里待命。不久陆振轩一人先回到卡拉其,国内人员时已到齐,周贤颂也来卡,正式开始办公。我也自之国处搬到印伊运输处,给我主任科员名义负责业务工作。但除已接收运往德黑丹的一批外,因路尚未通,新的物质暂不续运,所以没有几天完成登记等工作后,即无事可做。不久周回东区,由陆主持等待。
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10. 昆明1942年
2022-12-063. Nanjing Baishuiqiao, the First Work Stop
2022-11-2710. Kunming in 1942
2022-12-06 -
11. Married In Chongqing
2022-12-06 /In August 1942, the Ordnance Industry Department had not yet finalized the transportation in India, and the Fang Zhaohao and brother Kai all stayed on standby. Therefore, Liu Zhiguo and I had to go around. I felt uncomfortable. The little money I had left was becoming less and less. After Bhamo’s retreat, I was afraid of repeating it. So I heard that Yu Dagang invited Shen Dingsan to work in the storage and transportation office of Fuxing Company, but Shen Dingsan could not decide to do business or still be a civil servant so he did not accept the offer. I heard the situation then discussed it with brother Kai, he introduced me to Fuxing Company. Yu Dagang was the assistant manager of the storage and transportation office, and I was the head of the accounting team, the new job was started in October 1942.
Shen Huilin went to Chongqing before Liu Zhiguo and I. Fang Zhaohao Introduced Shen Huilin to work in the Dadukou Steel Plant. Shen Huilin had a relative family in Chongqing. His god sister’s name is Wan Zhongxian who worked at the post office and was one year younger than me. After his introduction, we had been in contact with each other for more than half a year and got married in the Zhongxian’s home in the Qingmuguan town on June 6, 1943. On that day, Mr. and Mrs. Shao Enfu, Mr. and Mrs. Zhou Shijun, and other relatives of Zhongxian came to congratulate. Zhongxian’s parents set up a two-table wedding feast to celebrate the ceremony.
I did not invite relatives or friends in advance, and only published the marriage notice in the Chongqing newspaper that day. First of all, when my brother kai was in New Delhi, India, he heard that I got married, immediately sent a large sum of money for my marriage and gave Zhongxian an OMEGA watch as a first time meeting gift. In Chongqing, relatives, friends, colleagues and classmates saw the newspaper and gave gifts. For this reason, on July 18th, 1943 we invited a wedding wine at the Zhongmei Building in Chongqing. It was a Western-style meal, and there were more than 100 guests including sister-in-law Fang and nephew Ning, Ning already knew how to write, and signed his name on the Red Silk. Other guests were third uncle, Ye Yuanqing, and Zhuang Xiaosheng.
The following guests arrived on the same day:
Wang Dajun, Li Juequn, Niu Xianming, Xie Chengmei, Zeng Zhaoliu, Zhuang Shuya, Summer School, Shao Enfu, He Zushao, Hong Changzhuo,
Xie Zhuoyun, Shi Qiwen, Zheng Yongning, Tong Bofang, Cha Jicha (now retired), Shen Dingsan, Zhu Songwei, Shen Zhonghe, Shen Yunlin, Guo Chengfu, Fu Hexuan, Xie Chengjian, Yang Deren, Tu Shuang, Qin Changzhao, Wang Silin, Zhang Ying, Chen Can, Zhou Shijun, Gong Ruiying, Yun Xingui, Xia Daoxiang (Manager of Fuxing Storage and Transportation Office). In addition, most of them were colleagues from the Fuxing Company, including a few Nanyang Middle School classmates and Zhongxian’s relatives.Those who gave gifts but did not attend were Director Yu Dawei (later Minister of Transportation), Yu Dagang, Fang Zhaohao, Fang Zhaokai, Xi Debing (General Manager of Fuxing Company), Yu Shaoguang (Associate of Fuxing ompany), Jin Zhuomin (Huan Chun), Wu Zhenqi (aunt’s nephew, Shengguan), Zong Fupei, Wang Zhousun, Wu Zhongxian (Jimin’s brother Along), Tu Baozhang. Some relatives and friends also came to attend and give gifts because of brother Kai.
After marriage, we lived in a Fuxing Company dormitory for the family members in Xiangjiapo on the south bank. It was in the middle of the mountain, with two glass windows, bright and spacious, and some furnitures. Sister-in-law Fang, Ning and Mrs. Zheng once visited together. From the dormitory, walking to the 20th Factory of the Tongyuan Bureau on south bank was not too far to visit sister-in-law Fang. I once walked with Zhongxian. In general, passing the Haitang River and crossing the Yangtze river to the Lianglukou downhill and then crossing the Yangtze river, but going around a big circle.
The Fuxing Commercial Company of the Trade Commission of the Ministry of Finance specialized in the purchase of domestic local products, bristles, raw silk, tung oil, etc. as bulk products. Other medicinal materials such as wolfberry and musk were also purchased. Exported via the Yunnan-Myanmar Highway in exchange for foreign currencies, a small portion was sold to the Soviet Union via Xinjiang. There were branches in more than ten provinces including Southeast, Southwest and Northwest regions. The accounting team was in charge of all branch and station purchases, warehousing, transportation, and accounts for the quantity of inventory, regardless of the money. The format of the station table of each branch was different, the reporting period was not uniform, and the unit of measurement was not uniform, which made it extremely inconvenient to summarize statistics.
Therefore, based on my past experience, I suggested to the Department to unify the report format, name, number of copies, submission period, measurement unit, etc., for management purposes. The draft was completed after a few months of research and discussion with the Department’s consent. It was about from April to May 1943, at the business meeting of various branches held by the company, the storage and transportation department proposed a draft reform report. However, some branches were located behind enemy lines, with inconvenient transportation and insufficient conditions, and only several major ones were allowed to be unified. This was indeed the truth, and because the delivery time of Zhejiang, Fujian, Gansu and other provinces was uncertain, it was eager to not be able to collect it in time every month. Only a single branch can make a copy. Leadership planning and planning had its own difficulties, but fortunately, When the company was also an official entity, it was not really doing business. There was no need to worry about profit and loss. The Ministry of Finance was in control. Yu Dagang came into the company because his classmate, the son of Zhang Shouyong, the president of Guanghua University, was the secretary-general of Fuxing. It’s not Yu Dagang’s own academic interest, it’s just used for transition to a comparable position. After I left Fuxing, he seemed to leave soon.
Once I went to play with Liu Nianzhi, Wang Chunyuan, and Liu Zhiguo at Liu Hongsheng’s home on the south bank, and met Liu Hongsheng. I thought he was really shrewd and capable, and very polite to some of us young people. This may also be because Nianzhi talked about the relationship between some of us in Myanmar who had assisted Nianzhi in the transfer of northwest wool spinning machinery and materials. His eighth son was also there.
At that time, the third uncle lived at the second brother Baozhang’s house in Geleshan. Once my brother Kai and I went to pay a visit, only the second sister Jingzhen, her daughter Rourou, and the third uncle at home. I had not seen each other for many years, and we were very happy together. The third uncle had been living in the second sister’s home after leaving his job in Guizhou. Soon the third uncle and the second sister came to Chongqing for a visit, I invited them to dinner and watched a show. I thought the third uncle and Liu Hongsheng were of the same age, and they were contemporaries. If the third uncle had Liu Hongsheng’s idea of running an industry, then the life of the third uncle might be very different.
In August or September 1943, Zhang Zuping wrote to me in Dibrugarh, India, informing me that the India-Iran Transport Office would be established, with Zhou Xiansong as the director. At that time, Zhou Xiansong was the representative of the Ministry of Communications in the Eastern District of India. Zhang Zuping worked under him and asked if I wanted to go abroad. I had just been married and I was a little unwilling to work abroad, but there was no future in the Fuxing Company, and there was no achievement, and life in China was difficult. I asked Zhongxian, she thought my career should be first and agreed to let me work abroad. I immediately asked Zhang Zuping to try. Soon after, Pan Zuyou, the chief of the General Affairs Section, Zhou Xiansong’s representative in Chongqing, came to me (Pan was also from Changzhou and used to work for the Jiangnan Railway Company) to help me get my passport. I flew to Kolkata via Kunming on October 22, 1943.
Chongqing Today, Image by zuxian zhang from Pixabay
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11. 在重慶的一年餘, 結婚(繁体)
2022-12-06 /1942年8月, 當年兵工署對印度方面的運輸尚未定局,老方、開哥都留渝待命,因此我們這些人之國及我等也只好閒混。我覺得難受,剩的一點錢也越用越少,經過八莫的撒退,我也怕重演,所以聽說俞大綱邀沈鼎三進復興公司儲運處工作,但鼎三經商還是仍然做公務員未決,也未去報到。我聞之與開哥商量後介紹我去復興。大綱任儲運處襄理,我任計核組組長,時為1942年10月。財政部貿易委員會復興商業公司是專門收購國內土特產、豬鬃、生絲、桐油等為大宗,其他為枸杞子,麝香等藥材也有。經滇緬公路出口外銷換取外匯,有一小部份經新疆銷給蘇聯。有分公司分設東南、西南、西北等十餘個省。計核組等管各分公司,站收購入庫,運輸,在途,庫存物質數量帳,不管金額。各分公司,站表格式不一 ,報送期也不劃一,計量單位也不統一,統計彙總極感不便。因此我照自己過去一點經驗向處建議,將報表格式、名稱、份數、報送期限、計量單位等統一起來,以便管理,經處同意化了幾個月研究商議完成草稿,大約在1943年4-5月公司召開的各分公司業務會議上,儲運處提出改革表報草案,但有些分公司地處敵後,交通不便,條件不夠,只允將幾份主要的統一起來。這確是實情,又為浙江、福建、甘肅等省郵遞時間沒有把握,急切就無法每月為期及時彙總,只能單一的一個分公司作一份, 領導上籌劃規劃自有困難,好在那時公司也是做官,並不是真正做生意,盈虧無需耽心,有財政部在掌握。大綱係因他同學光華大學校長張壽鏞之子在復興當秘書長的關係進去的,非他自己學業所長,有一相當職位作過渡而已。我離復興後,他似不久也離開了。
我事先未邀親友,只在當日重慶報上登載結婚啟事。首先承開哥時在印度新德里,聞我結婚匯來相當大的一筆款項給我結婚之用,又贈 OMEGA手錶一隻給中賢作見面禮。在渝親友同事同學見報獲知後又送禮。為此於7月18日在重慶中美大廈請喜酒,是西餐形式,到賓客為百餘人。芳嫂和寧寧,寧寧已會寫字,也在紅綢上簽了他的名字。三舅、元慶哥、曉生弟。
1943年8,9月份,祖屏在印度狄不魯加 (Dibrugarh) 給我信,告知將成立印伊運輸處,周賢頌任處長。時周為交通部駐印東區代表,祖屏在他手下工作,問我想不想出國。我剛新婚,自有點不願,但在復興並沒有什麼前途,也無什麼建樹,國內生活又較難。問之中賢,她也以事業為重,同意我出去。立刻請祖屏設法,不久周賢頌在渝的代表總務科科長潘祖佑來找我 (潘也是常州人,原在江南鐵路公司工作) 取照片辦理護照。我在1943年10月22日乘機經昆明到達加爾各答 (Calcutta)
今日重庆 Image by zuxian zhang from Pixabay
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4. 香港一載 1937年10月至1938年10月 (繁体)
2022-11-2918. 以祖訓定論「不求金玉貴,但願子孫賢」(繁体)
2022-12-101. Childhood, Family, Family Background
2022-11-08 -
11. 在重庆的一年余,结婚
2022-12-06 /1942年8月, 当年兵工署对印度方面的运输尚未定局,老方、开哥都留渝待命,因此我们这些人之国及我等也只好闲混。我觉得难受,剩的一点钱也越用越少,经过八莫的撒退,我也怕重演,所以听说俞大纲邀沈鼎三进复兴公司储运处工作,但鼎三经商还是仍然做公务员未决,也未去报到。我闻之与开哥商量后介绍我去复兴。大纲任储运处襄理,我任计核组组长,时为1942年10月。财政部贸易委员会复兴商业公司是专门收购国内土特产、猪鬃、生丝、桐油等为大宗,其他为枸杞子,麝香等药材也有。经滇缅公路出口外销换取外汇,有一小部份经新疆销给苏联。有分公司分设东南、西南、西北等十余个省。计核组等管各分公司,站收购入库,运输,在途,库存物质数量帐,不管金额。各分公司,站表格式不一 ,报送期也不划一,计量单位也不统一,统计汇总极感不便。因此我照自己过去一点经验向处建议,将报表格式、名称、份数、报送期限、计量单位等统一起来,以便管理,经处同意化了几个月研究商议完成草稿,大约在1943年4-5月公司召开的各分公司业务会议上,储运处提出改革表报草案,但有些分公司地处敌后,交通不便,条件不够,只允将几份主要的统一起来。这确是实情,又为浙江、福建、甘肃等省邮递时间没有把握,急切就无法每月为期及时汇总,只能单一的一个分公司作一份, 领导上筹划规划自有困难,好在那时公司也是做官,并不是真正做生意,盈亏无需耽心,有财政部在掌握。大纲系因他同学光华大学校长张寿镛之子在复兴当秘书长的关系进去的,非他自己学业所长,有一相当职位作过渡而已。我离复兴后,他似不久也离开了。
我事先未邀亲友,只在当日重庆报上登载结婚启事。首先承开哥时在印度新德里,闻我结婚汇来相当大的一笔款项给我结婚之用,又赠 OMEGA手表一只给中贤作见面礼。在渝亲友同事同学见报获知后又送礼。为此于7月18日在重庆中美大厦请喜酒,是西餐形式,到宾客为百余人。芳嫂和宁宁,宁宁已会写字,也在红绸上签了他的名字。三舅、元庆哥、晓生弟。
1943年8,9月份,祖屏在印度狄不鲁加 (Dibrugarh) 给我信,告知将成立印伊运输处,周贤颂任处长。时周为交通部驻印东区代表,祖屏在他手下工作,问我想不想出国。我刚新婚,自有点不愿,但在复兴并没有什么前途,也无什么建树,国内生活又较难。问之中贤,她也以事业为重,同意我出去。立刻请祖屏设法,不久周贤颂在渝的代表总务科科长潘祖佑来找我 (潘也是常州人,原在江南铁路公司工作) 取照片办理护照。我在1943年10月22日乘机经昆明到达加尔各答 (Calcutta)。
今日重庆 Image by zuxian zhang from Pixabay
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15. 阔别了八年的上海,终于又回来了
2022-12-088. Bhamo Seven Months 1941.10 to 1942.5
2022-12-0513. 加爾各答 1944年5月-1945年8月(繁体)
2022-12-08 -
10. Kunming in 1942
2022-12-06 /We walked to Baoshan, just after the heavy bombing. If you went fast, you happened to catch up with the big bombing; if you were not sacrificed on the way, or on the Nu River, but you were bombed to death, you would be even more wronged. Upon request, the Baoshan branch sent a car to bring us to Kunming. I saw the Yangon branch staff, Jiang Dechang, Zhou Shijun, Wang Chunyuan, Chen Can, Liu Zhiguo, Ma Diyuan, etc. Soon Ma Diyuan, Zhang Zuping, Wang Chunzhai, Sun Guilin and others were sent to work in India.
After we reported to the China-Myanmar Transport Administration of Heilinpu, the superiors also sent people to help us, and each person would find a place to live and wait for further instructions. I stayed in the hotel with Liu Zhiguo where we had a haircut and a shave, changed our clothes then we looked nicely. Before the lease term had expired, Staff from the Kunming office of Liu Nianzhi’s Match Factory had already withdrawn to Chongqing. Liu Zhiguo, Wang Chunyuan, and I moved there, and soon Wang Chunyuan went to Chongqing. Liu Zhiguo and I still lived there.
All the material account books were brought to Kunming, and they were not discarded at the most critical time on the way, mainly due to the work of the administrator Huang Decong. The account book, the list of incineration materials and all the accounts were turned over to the head office, our responsibility had been fully fulfilled so far. After a short period of waiting, each of us was dismissed, and the salary was paid until July. Since then, all went their separate ways. Zhao Tingzhen and Shen Huilin went to Chongqing before Liu Zhiguo and I.
Both Liu Zhiguo and I had worked in the Ordnance Industry Department, so we didn’t go to India, but planned to go to Chongqing. At that time, Zhou Zixin was the director of the 53 arsenal factory in Kunming. Liu Zhiguo and I went to see him together. After learning about our situation, Zhou Zixin asked us to work in his factory. I went to Haikou with Liu Zhiguo to visit the 53 arsenal factory. We stayed in the guest house for two nights. It seemed this factory was located in the now Jinning District, the home of Yin Fupei, then we returned to Kunming. I took this opportunity to ask Zhou Zixin to hire two Bhamo colleagues. One of Li Huaiyu, who was mentioned beforehand, had not stayed behind when he passed his hometown in order to escort us, so he fled to Kunming with us, and had him do the interpreter during the interrogation on the way. One was Huang Decong, an overseas Chinese from Fujian, who carried the material account books to Kunming on his back, but he had no acquaintances in Kunming. I specially tried for them and got Zhou Zixin’s permission to hire them. I accompanied them to the factory to work, but since then, I haven’t heard from them again. I don’t know what would happen to them.
唐 王湾 《次北固山下》

Image by JASON MAI from Pixabay
北固山位于江苏镇江,由于北临长江,形势险固,故名北固。 此诗是诗人的船暂时停泊在北固山时所作。