15. 闊別了八年的上海,終於又回來了(繁体)
15. 阔别了八年的上海,终于又回来了
14. Victory in the War
Unexpectedly, the next day, I was about to contact the plane, and suddenly heard the news of Japan’s surrender. Everyone was jubilant to celebrate victory.
14. 抗戰勝利回重慶(繁体)
13. Kolkata 1944.5-1945.8
Zhou Xiansong, the representative of the Ministry of Transportation in East India, was former deputy director of the Haiphong Branch of the Southwest Transportation Department, and brother of Zhou Xianyan. He was based in Dibrugarh. Deputy Representative Wang Shenming was based in Kolkata. There were more than a dozen people, and the task was to manage the materials of various government agencies overseas to the Port of Kolkata, most of which were the accounting records of materials under the US Leasing Act.