很多WordPress博客网站都遇到同一个问题, 要不要让博客作者上传视频到您的网站的同一网络服务器,即自托管视频。答案是不要!
WordPress Blog Sites Should Not Let Authors Upload Videos
Many WordPress blogging sites have faced the same question, whether to let bloggers upload videos to the same web server as your site, i.e. self-hosted videos. The answer is No!
阿尔忒弥斯 (Artemis)一号月球火箭首次发射!
从佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心的 39B 号发射场升空, NASA 于 2022 年 11 月 16 日发射了阿尔忒弥斯 (Artemis) 一 号火箭。
1. 孩童時代,親人,家境(繁体)
1. Childhood, Family, Family Background
I was born in Maoyan Village, Wujin, Jiangsu Province on September 27 of the lunar calendar, 1916. There were five sisters and brothers, including the eldest sister, the second sister, the Kai brother, me, and the Chang brother. Before the age of five, I was not in good health, and often got sick and I was cured by my uncle. Therefore, my parents found a godmother surnamed Shi for me.
1. 孩童时代,亲人,家境