7. 在仰光的工作時間最長(繁体)
7. 在仰光的工作时间最长
由于我国抗战后,沿海尽失,祗剩由缅甸仰光到云南昆明的一条滇缅公路,因此西南运输处仰光分处运输工作日忙,人员也不断增加。尤其希特勒发动第二次世界大战后,美国租借法案成立生效,CDS(China Defense Supplies) 物质整船而来就更加繁重了。
6. From Singapore to Yangon, Myanmar
In May 1939, I received an office letter from the Yangon branch office in Myanmar to transfer me to work in the Yangon branch office. This time, I was only assigned, so I was the only one who boarded the ship and set off in early June 1939. The name of the ship is TIRAWA 10,000 tons passenger and cargo ship.
6. 从新加坡到缅甸仰光
1939年5月接緬甸 (Myanmar) 仰光 (Yangon) 分處的公事,調我去仰光分處工作。此次只指调我一人,所以在1939年大約6月初只有自己独自登轮起程。船名 TIRAWA 客货万吨轮。
6. 從新加坡到緬甸仰光(繁体)
5. Singapore! 1938.11-1939.6
In October 1938, the Japanese invaders captured Guangzhou, and the transportation between Hong Kong and Guangzhou was interrupted. At that time, the Burma Highway was completed and opened to traffic. Arms and equipment, as well as public and private goods, are transferred into China via Myanmar. Zhaokai, Zhiguo, Qinan, Chengfu and I were sent to work in the Singapore branch.