Song Lyrics: Yan Jidao "LinJiangXian"

    Image by Sharon Ang from Pixabay

    晏几道(1038年5月29日—1110年),著名词人。北宋宰相晏殊第七子,字叔原,号小山, 北宋抚州府临川城人(今江西省南昌市进贤县文港镇沙河人) 。与其父晏殊合称二晏。他的词风似父而造诣过之。晏几道的词《临江仙·梦后楼台高锁》是一首非常著名的词,词语精练、意境深远,被誉为中国古典文学史上的经典之作。这首词描写了词人心情悲怆,回忆往事的情景。临江仙:双调小令,唐教坊曲名,后用为词牌。

    《 临江仙》





    这里“梦后楼台高锁,酒醒帘幕低垂”是指词人在梦后酒醒,朱门紧锁,楼台高耸,意境唯美,却发现自己正处在帘幕之中,情绪低落。 “去年春恨却来时”是词人回忆往事时的心情抒发。接着,词人描写了“落花人独立,微雨燕双飞”的情景,看到微雨中燕子双双飞翔,反衬现在词人在落花时节一人独立凸显了他孤独、落寞的心境,表达了他对逝去的春天和往事的怀念留恋之情。

    “记得小苹初见,两重心字罗衣”是 词人怀念歌女小苹初见时的情景。罗衣是轻软丝织品制成的衣服。三国 魏 曹植 《美女篇》:“罗衣何飘飘,轻裾随风还”。“两重心字”代表心心相印,象征着词人内心深处对小苹的情感。“琵琶弦上说相思”则是描述在曼妙的琵琶声中,小苹感受到了词人对她的爱意,同时也表达了小苹对词人的相思之情。“当时明月在,曾照彩云归”则是描绘了他们初见时的情景。当时月亮高悬于空,照耀他们初次相识,也照耀过化作彩云而去的小苹。李白《宫中行乐词》中的“只愁歌舞散,化作彩云飞” 显然为此词结句所本, 广博的词人创作时的联想,错杂融会前人意境,成为此不朽新篇。


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    The Most Popular OpenAI ChatGPT Chat Robot

    The world-renowned Microsoft (MSFT) has invested in OpenAI's artificial intelligence chatbot chatGPT. This is to advance cutting-edge artificial intelligence research and build artificial intelligence into a new technology platform.

    Among the core technologies of artificial intelligence are machine learning, natural language processing and robotics. OpenAI has developed a number of influential AI technologies, including GPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) chat language model and DALL-E (Deep Autoencoder for Lifelong Learning – Evolution) image generation model based on text, and through the Ethics and Society Research Program and other initiatives to promote the responsible development and use of artificial intelligence.

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