唐 王湾 《次北固山下》
整首诗描绘了一幅美丽的江水景色图,表现了诗人对家乡的深深思念。同时,借用风、水、日、春等自然景象,以及乡书、归雁等物象,表达出诗人的丰富情感。 全诗如下: 客路青山外,行舟绿水前。潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬。海日生残夜,江春入旧年。乡书何处达?归雁洛阳边。 大致意思是: 乘船出行,青山外是旅客的道路,诗人的船航行在绿水之前。潮水平静时,两岸显得特别宽阔;顺风正好,吹动船帆悬挂起来。海上的太阳升起,残夜即将褪尽;江边的春天,旧年未过时已经早早到来。我的家书不知道应该寄到何处?远飞的大雁,请带信到洛阳那边。 Image by JASON MAI from Pixabay 北固山位于江苏镇江,由于北临长江,形势险固,故名北固。 此诗是诗人的船暂时停泊在北固山时所作。
18. May the Future Generations be Virtuous
The era I live in has gone through the Second World War in the early stage, and civil wars are frequent. It can be compared to thunder, lightning, and storms, but my personal situation can be compared to an indoor swimming pool.
18. 以祖訓定論「不求金玉貴,但願子孫賢」(繁体)
18. 以祖训定论「不求金玉贵,但愿子孙贤」
17. Second Half of Life
I was not transferred at all and my family lived in Shanghai for 30 years. It was a great blessing to save the trouble of moving and take care of the countryside nearby. I said it was not fate or luck, I got along well with other people, also was familiar with business, and had some working ability, so the direct leader felt that I was a little useful and made me stay.