13. 加爾各答 1944年5月-1945年8月(繁体)
13. 加尔各答 1944年5月-1945年8月
12. Karachi 1943.10-1944.5
The India-Iran Transport Office was located in Karachi, Pakistan. After staying in Kolkata for three days, I took the train to New Delhi. Brother Kai was waiting for me, and we met very happily, then went to the General Representative Office of the Ordnance Industry Department in India for a break for breakfast.
12. 卡拉其 1943年10月至1944年5月(繁体)
印伊運輸處設在現在的巴基斯坦卡拉其 (Karachi)。我在加爾各答停留三日後乘火車到新德里 (New Delhi)。開哥來接,相見極歡,同我到兵工署駐印總代表處休息用早膳。
12. 卡拉其 1943年10月至1944年5月
印伊运输处设在现在的巴基斯坦的卡拉其 (Karachi)。我在加停留三日后乘火车到新德里 (New Delhi)。开哥来接,相见极欢,同我到兵工署驻印总代表处休息用早膳。
11. Married In Chongqing
Shen Huilin went to Chongqing before Liu Zhiguo and I. Fang Zhaohao Introduced Shen Huilin to work in the Dadukou Steel Plant. Shen Huilin had a relative family in Chongqing. His god sister’s name is Wan Zhongxian who worked at the post office and was one year younger than me. After his introduction, we had been in contact with each other for more than half a year and got married in the Zhongxian’s home in the Qingmuguan town on June 6, 1943.